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Mike wrote:
oh i did not spend anymore money. and the only reason i did not leave was my friends girl and it is a pretty far drive for me
. i am going to give corporate a call tomorrow about what happened
Mike wrote:
You should have left the establishment and taken your aprty with you - by backing down, and continueing to spend money there, you have made their policy a success.[align=left][/align][align=left]went up to my friends work last night. kellys tavern off of laskin rd walked in got changefor a few pool games from the bartender. no problems. no odd looks nothing. my friend called me to the front where him and his girl where. all of a "well it is now kellys policy that you can not carry a gun in here." told my friends girl that i would be right back, went outside to disarm, [/align]mrguppy wrote:
oh i did not spend anymore money. and the only reason i did not leave was my friends girl and it is a pretty far drive for me
. i am going to give corporate a call tomorrow about what happened