The PPP ...
Why is it necessary in the first place? I can go purchase a rifle at any gun store right now without having to grovel to a some sheriff and pay him $5 - so why do I have to do that with a pistol?? Yeah, $5 ain't much but its really the principle of the thing. It is nobody's business that I am going to purchase a pistol. All that, plus it is a racist law put in place to keep blacks from getting pistols. Regardless of its illicit history, the PPP requirement is pointless. I would argue that a NICS check is pointless as well, but at least it is, in most cases, instant and free.
The CHP ...
I have one but I am seriously considering letting it expire when it is due - I haven't decided yet, though, since I still have about a year left. I do like that I don't have to get any PPPs in order to purchase a pistol, but I really don't buy lots of guns anyway. I have purchased two pistols with the CHP and proly won't buy much more. I'm a practical gun owner, not a collector and I don't cycle between carry guns. So that little "benefit" really doesn't pan out for me. I would rather see the NC state constitution amended to remove that ridiculous reference to carrying concealed. As it is right now, we actually have constitutional carry in this state - that would be OC with restricted CC. I don't see a difference in CC vs OC except for the law - which is arbitrary and does no one any good. I want to carry in whatever manner I want to without having to beg and pay money to cover it with a coat in the winter. And that is really the crux of it for me - having to ask the slimeball government permission to carry in a particular manner. That rubs me raw.
Another aspect that I really hated was having to get my fingerprints taken as if I had committed a crime. (Now that it is done, though, they are out there in the ether and I can't get them back - so one of my big objections to the CHP is moot now) I took the CHP class and applied for it prior to my awareness of OC when I stumbled across this site. I was clueless about the gun laws in NC and thought CC was the only option.
I will give GRNC credit where it is due. When they stand behind a bill, they don't just say it but do it. They help to propose and write the bills and their members are at the committee meetings, they meet with the senators and reps, and they do this on their own time cuz they are volunteers. They do the dirty work and I have mass quantities of respect for them. They do seem to appear to be very CC centric. Members here will point you to a thread where Paul Valone was responding and they use that as evidence to it, but I never really saw what others saw in that exchange.