Letter to the Editor which likely never saw the light of day...
Just to let all of you good folks know that the vast majority of New Mexican peace officers are in your corner.... This was sent to Santa Fe New Mexican and the Albuquerque Journal but likely never got printed:
February 24, 2013
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor,
I have a question and it is this:
Why is Representative Stephen Easley-(D) Bernalillo, S.F., Torrance and Valencia-50, so frightened of law abiding New Mexicans with firearms?
This year marks my 40th year as a peace officer in service to the public. I spent 28 years as a deputy sheriff in another state and since 2001 have had the honor and privilege to serve the citizens of the great State of New Mexico. I have worked in many remote areas where my closest back up was over an hour or more away. Many times I have had an armed citizen "watching my back" when I was alone with multiple persons who were less than cooperative.
I have always viewed the lawful, armed citizen as a Godsend and ally in my work. I find that the citizens of New Mexico are some of the most responsible and lawful individuals when it comes to firearm ownership and use that I have ever known.
For the last three years I have spent the legislative sessions at the Roundhouse promoting and tracking bills that have an impact on law enforcement. Many is the time that I have sat next to or seen citizens carrying their sidearms openly. Some of these people interact with committee members on pieces of legislation and the exchanges are sometimes heated. I have never seen a single incident where a firearm was even given any regard by the wearer during these proceedings.
Representative Easley must not view citizens the same way that I do as he will be introducing his HB 578 which will prohibit the carrying of firearms in the Capitol building. He obviously feels much more threatened in the Roundhouse than I do on the street by lawful citizens who exercise their right to keep and bear arms.
He just lost his battle with his HB 402, a New York style ban on semi-auto rifles and high capacity magazines. He vows to bring it back next year and thus has proven a deep and abiding animosity to only lawful New Mexicans since we all know that his bills would do nothing to stop the "bad guys". Is this really what the decent folks in his district wished to unleash upon the other good folks of New Mexico?
I would urge the voters in his district to look at what their representative has been up and ask themselves this question:
Why is Representative Stephen Easley-(D) Bernalillo, S.F., Torrance and Valencia-50 so frightened of law abiding New Mexicans with firearms?
Nate Forrest