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Hearing Protection Act & Better (possibly)


New member
Jun 7, 2010
, ,
Hello guys,

Just wondering.. how are things going with the HPA? I keep checking congress.gov and the last action was 11/23/2015 when it was "Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations." it's been a little over a year and no movement. The newest co sponsor is Rep. Jenkins, Evan H. On 11/30/2016. Any ideas on what's going on?? Anything we can do to help?? How do you all think Mr. Trump's victory is going to influence this act? And what other benefits should we expect from a pro 2ND amendment president?? Open carry in California maybe?? LOL Just kidding.. but seriously, can we expect better things like less wait times for SBRs? Anti gun states becoming gun friendly? Maybe no more stamps for SBRs? Bringing back izhmash?? Let's get a good debate going guys..
It's been pretty slow in here for a while..!!

Stay safe.


Regular Member
Jul 13, 2014
Jefferson County, CO
As I understand the process, they have two years from introduction to do something with the bill. So they may be coming up on that time. But I doubt any movement at all will happen until President-Elect Trump becomes President Trump, and the new members of Congress take their seats.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
, ,
As I understand the process, they have two years from introduction to do something with the bill. So they may be coming up on that time. But I doubt any movement at all will happen until President-Elect Trump becomes President Trump, and the new members of Congress take their seats.

Makes sence. Thank you!