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House Bill 3098 - Unlicensed Open Carry


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I thought this was a discussion forum. You were all awfully quick to jump my ass this time weren't you?!
To whom are you directing this?
OCDO may be a publicly viewable forum, but it is first Private Property. By registering and gaining the privilege of posting, one agrees to and thereby accepts the Forum Rules.
Even being slighted or even wronged (in your opinion) does not give license to step beyond the bounds. Better to use the Ignore function.
Back on topic, please.
What rule did I violate? It is a simple question.
The "simple" answer is you do yourself that which you accuse others of doing - quick to jump someone's ass. Then do not take a gentle, well-intended directive. You choose to go public when a PM would have been more appropriate. There is no need to be contentious.

Forum Rules include: We reserve the ABSOLUTE right to contact our members via PM or email regarding moderation issues. Contact for non-moderation activities is governed by forum rules.

This is a moderation issue. Back on thread topic or win an unwanted prize - there are remedies available.
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Arin Morris

Regular Member
Dec 3, 2013
Oklahoma City
I thought this was a discussion forum. You were all awfully quick to jump my ass this time weren't you?!

I didn't particularly see it as jumping you. A lot of people responded with where unlicensed carry is already working and others were asking questions of your vague comment and your motives for not supporting unlicensed carry in Oklahoma. You didn't answer any of the questions that were posed, you just got defensive. I don't want to alienate anyone from the discussion, especially a fellow Oklahoman, since this topic is whom this affects the most. If you care to, please elaborate on your reasoning of why you wouldn't support unlicensed carry in Oklahoma and we can continue the discussion.

Glock 1st fan

Regular Member
Nov 1, 2012
United States
I thought this was a discussion forum. You were all awfully quick to jump my ass this time weren't you?!

I wasnt involved largely in this topic but just relax. The 2nd amendment is a very touchy debate and brings out serious heart felt responses. The minority of people that call their selves moms demand action (Representing far less then .01 percent of the population) always gets vocal and bandwagons over the tiniest things which drawls out the 99 percent of the population who either supports gun rights or doesnt care at all to argue.

In this forum we should all be on the same page but inevitably there are going to be differing opinions and it will get heated from time to time. Even I have had to ignore some extremist on here occasionally though at first I did fall for their trap. Just post and have fun and if people disagree then oh well. Dont let it bother you.


New member
May 18, 2012
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
When HB 3098 passes the Senate, with Governor Fallin's record lately she's likely to veto it when the Chamber of Commerce asks her to...and they will.

But we still need to try! If you live in Oklahoma, call and write to your senator and politely express your desire for him or her to vote for HB 3098. If you don't know who your state senator is, go to http://www.oklegislature.gov, fill in and submit the 'Find My Legislator' form at the bottom, then scroll down to where it says 'State Senate.' Click on your senator's name to see his address and phone number.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Is training required now to own a gun if the gun never leaves the house? If so, then any support for training to carry as well, by any citizen, is nothing but anti-liberty and anti-citizen. Liberals are not endowed with common sense or reading skills derived from logical thought processes. Pure emotion, and a hatred for individual liberty.


Regular Member
Nov 19, 2012
When HB 3098 passes the Senate, with Governor Fallin's record lately she's likely to veto it when the Chamber of Commerce asks her to...and they will.

But we still need to try! If you live in Oklahoma, call and write to your senator and politely express your desire for him or her to vote for HB 3098. If you don't know who your state senator is, go to http://www.oklegislature.gov, fill in and submit the 'Find My Legislator' form at the bottom, then scroll down to where it says 'State Senate.' Click on your senator's name to see his address and phone number.

My only question is: how does this affect reciprocity?:confused:

I clearly have not read this bill for detail, but don't most states require a permisstion slip from another state to "allow" you to carry there of you're not a resident? Does this keep the current system in parallel to allow for that?


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
My only question is: how does this affect reciprocity?:confused:

I clearly have not read this bill for detail, but don't most states require a permisstion slip from another state to "allow" you to carry there of you're not a resident? Does this keep the current system in parallel to allow for that?
Reciprocity involves recognition of another state's CC permit/license.

There are many states where one can OC, not be a resident, and with no permit required.
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Regular Member
Nov 19, 2012
permitless reciprocity

Reciprocity involves recognition of another state's CC permit/license.

There are many states where one can OC, not be a resident, and with no permit required.

OK, let's talk specifics with neighboring states.
Kansas, to my understanding, never restricted open carry but has a permit requirement for concealment. If OK goes permitless... does that actually mean they will recognise both open (based on their system) and concealed because reciprocity with OK recognises it's legal for OK's residents without permit?

How about Texas, they just got open (still astonished they let carpetbaggers talk then into that). Missouri, Arkansas...

I did do a little Googlefu and couldn't find a map for permitless like NRA/ILA's permit reciprocity.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
OK, let's talk specifics with neighboring states.
Kansas, to my understanding, never restricted open carry but has a permit requirement for concealment. If OK goes permitless... does that actually mean they will recognise both open (based on their system) and concealed because reciprocity with OK recognises it's legal for OK's residents without permit?

How about Texas, they just got open (still astonished they let carpetbaggers talk then into that). Missouri, Arkansas...

I did do a little Googlefu and couldn't find a map for permitless like NRA/ILA's permit reciprocity.

OCDO's maps for open carry - not positive that they are up to date, though.



New member
May 18, 2012
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
My only question is: how does this affect reciprocity?:confused:

I clearly have not read this bill for detail, but don't most states require a permisstion slip from another state to "allow" you to carry there of you're not a resident? Does this keep the current system in parallel to allow for that?

Yes. This bill keeps the Self Defense Act (SDA) intact for concealed carry. The bill basically adds open carry as a general exception to the law against carrying weapons and removes all mention of open carry from the SDA. So the SDA license goes back to being relevant only for concealed carry again, like it was before open carry became legal in Oklahoma in 2012. So this bill, if passed, would mean:

  • Open carry is legal without a license (except for under 21, felons, and people with certain mental conditions).
  • Concealed carry is legal with an SDA license. Open carry is also legal for someone with an SDA license (i.e. you're not required to conceal just because you have an SDA license).
  • Someone holding an SDA license will be permitted to carry concealed in states that reciprocate the Oklahoma SDA license, just like they can today.

I'm not sure what effect this would have on SDA licensees open carrying in states that require a license to open carry. That would depend on the reciprocation law of each state.


New member
Oct 27, 2014
OK, let's talk specifics with neighboring states.
Kansas, to my understanding, never restricted open carry but has a permit requirement for concealment. If OK goes permitless... does that actually mean they will recognise both open (based on their system) and concealed because reciprocity with OK recognises it's legal for OK's residents without permit?

How about Texas, they just got open (still astonished they let carpetbaggers talk then into that). Missouri, Arkansas...

I did do a little Googlefu and couldn't find a map for permitless like NRA/ILA's permit reciprocity.
Kansas is a constitutional carry state. You are not required to have a permit to carry concealed, or openly, within state lines. You do not have to be a resident of Kansas to excercise this right. A resident of any state in the US can visit Kansas and open or conceal carry, so long as they are legally allowed to own a firearm.

Make sure to check their laws for restricted areas. "No Guns" signs do carry weight of law in Kansas.
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