Slade McCuiston
Regular Member
I come from a police family (though I am NOT a LEO) and I have always thought that CCW/CCDW/CHP/CHL badges were going to get someone arrested for impersonating. The "ARMED" sashes are ... yeah. I'm not wearing that. But, they have jackets out with ID panels (such as 5.11). The typical use for the ID panels, of course, is so that an officer can pull down the panel in an event and it read, "SHERIFF" or "POLICE." I've been wondering if it wouldn't be the best solution (at least in the winter) if you want to be able to ID yourself during/after a shooting to have an ID panel that says "CCW" or something (I don't know what term you'd use for Open Carrying). Anyone got any ideas they'd like to toss around? I know the idea of ID has been beaten like the proverbial dead horse, but I think this is worth a look.