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Invite your legislator for Q&A


Regular Member
Jan 12, 2010
Poulsbo, Kitsap County, Washington, USA
Now that elections are over we know who our elected representative are. Have you met your elected official?

I know the Holidays are coming up but wanted to throw out a suggestion for all the Sportsman's club officers to invite their elected officials for a Q&A session.
This is a good way to get some face time, and push the questions to the front right before the new session starts.

Following are the CMP affiliated clubs suggested by the CMP website. https://ct.thecmp.org/app/v1/index.php ( I know there are a lot more )

This would also be a good opportunity for the Boy Scout organizations and our younger shooters to interact with the law makers.

Q. Why does it seem like gun owners are the ones who are required to compromise on legislation? (1588, 1491)
Q. Why are we not prosecuting people trying to buy firearms who are not allowed to? (Thousands of gun crimes go unpunished in Washington)

I'm sure there are more relevant questions to be asked. I have often found they (legislators) are simply uninformed; we all have busy lives, our own agendas and families.

The reason I proposed this is simple, none of my legislators will/have been affirmed they have been asked to a gun owners forum.

I say, let's invite them over for a regularly scheduled club meeting right before the new legislative session starts. If they decline then that is ok too, as they can be reminded of this at a later date.

What questions or conversation topics would you discuss at your club meeting if you could get your legislator there?
