I've always used a pocket digital recorder, or back in the day - tape recorder, or my (not a smart) phone video or audio recorder to record police contacts or activities that I happen to observe while out and about. I've been doing this, sporadically, since I was a college student.
However, I just acquired an Iphone 5 and I have read in the past, mentions of an iphone recording app, I assume for audio/video as well as audio only, that has a feature where the app can upload streaming video or audio as it is being recorded, to a secure site for later retrieval, perusal, etc.
I could google, but I am interested in recommendations (or not) of one or more of these program(s) by some OCers here, since I trust that I will get a no nonsense accurate assessment of which one(s) to download.
Thanks in advance!
PS I cant tell you how many burgs, etc. I have taken where a smartphone was stolen. If you have one, PLEASE download one of those apps that can help police locate a stolen phone upon activation, and in some cases even provide evidence from the phone's camera as to the person who was using it . Getting somebody their Iphone back is way better than just documenting a report, and it's also awesome to get some solid evidence against a scumbag thief!
We had a burg of a school building a ways back and the culprit(s) took a couple of computers. Fortunately, the school had installed software that could start uploading info on its whereabouts/connection upon being activated (a lojack for computers) and even snap incriminating photos of the person using it. The school would not activate the camera aspect though, because they were afraid of being sued for privacy invasion!!! I'm all for REASONABLE expectation of privacy, but I dont think that extends to freedom from being remotely observed through the computer's built in lens by those who are trying ot locate and identify you in the process of using the stolen property.
Imo, that's fair game for activation and viewing but the school thought otherwise.
I've always used a pocket digital recorder, or back in the day - tape recorder, or my (not a smart) phone video or audio recorder to record police contacts or activities that I happen to observe while out and about. I've been doing this, sporadically, since I was a college student.
However, I just acquired an Iphone 5 and I have read in the past, mentions of an iphone recording app, I assume for audio/video as well as audio only, that has a feature where the app can upload streaming video or audio as it is being recorded, to a secure site for later retrieval, perusal, etc.
I could google, but I am interested in recommendations (or not) of one or more of these program(s) by some OCers here, since I trust that I will get a no nonsense accurate assessment of which one(s) to download.
Thanks in advance!
PS I cant tell you how many burgs, etc. I have taken where a smartphone was stolen. If you have one, PLEASE download one of those apps that can help police locate a stolen phone upon activation, and in some cases even provide evidence from the phone's camera as to the person who was using it . Getting somebody their Iphone back is way better than just documenting a report, and it's also awesome to get some solid evidence against a scumbag thief!
We had a burg of a school building a ways back and the culprit(s) took a couple of computers. Fortunately, the school had installed software that could start uploading info on its whereabouts/connection upon being activated (a lojack for computers) and even snap incriminating photos of the person using it. The school would not activate the camera aspect though, because they were afraid of being sued for privacy invasion!!! I'm all for REASONABLE expectation of privacy, but I dont think that extends to freedom from being remotely observed through the computer's built in lens by those who are trying ot locate and identify you in the process of using the stolen property.
Imo, that's fair game for activation and viewing but the school thought otherwise.
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