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Is it just me?

Jeff Watts

Regular Member
Feb 20, 2009
Gilmer, TEXAS, ,
imported post

I see something intrinsically wrong with the idea of having to lobby politicians to allow us a Constitutional right. Separating CCW from the second amendment would allow politicians and law enforcement to treat CCW as a different issue than the 2nd. Meaning that they could later remove CCW without any Constitutional ramifications. Am I making sense? The best way to put CCW on the books is a resolution stating that "Carrying a firearm on one's person for self defense is covered under the second amendment, and therefore cannot be "allowed or dis-allowed by any government or law enforcement agency".

Task Force 16

Campaign Veteran
Jul 20, 2008
Lobelville, Tennessee, USA
imported post

I agree with you, sir. What Illinoiians have to do is start voting all the liberals out of office in your state. Once you have done that, you must push the new state legislators to pass preemptive pro-gun laws, that would trump all city ordinances.

Mayor Daley would have a fit, of course, but so what.

Jeff Watts

Regular Member
Feb 20, 2009
Gilmer, TEXAS, ,
imported post

Task Force 16 wrote:
I agree with you, sir. What Illinoiians have to do is start voting all the liberals out of office in your state. Once you have done that, you must push the new state legislators to pass preemptive pro-gun laws, that would trump all city ordinances.

Mayor Daley would have a fit, of course, but so what.
Yeah, good luck with that. Chicago out votes the entire state, and dead people rise up to vote for liberals.


Regular Member
Jul 25, 2006
Springfield by way of Chicago, Virginia, USA
imported post

Jeff Watts wrote:
Task Force 16 wrote:
I agree with you, sir. What Illinoiians have to do is start voting all the liberals out of office in your state. Once you have done that, you must push the new state legislators to pass preemptive pro-gun laws, that would trump all city ordinances.

Mayor Daley would have a fit, of course, but so what.
Yeah, good luck with that. Chicago out votes the entire state, and dead people rise up to vote for liberals.


The 2nd Amendment... brought to you by Beretta and the number 1787!!:X


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2007
Great Lakes, , USA
imported post

Quote by:Taskforce16

OK, then your next best option would be for all productive Illinoiians to move out of the state, leaving nothing but slackers and the mob.

And that's exactly what we did 20+ years ago. I got tired of having Dem Senators and Reps every freaking election with zero chance of electing a conservative of any stripe. I refused to bow to getting aFOID card and simply got my ammo on tripsout of state.And then there were thevery high property taxes combined with poor roads and services. Not to mention the danger of large cities. It just wasn't worth it.

It's a common joke that there are two Illinois': -Chicago and the rest of the state and Chicago controls the rest of the state.

With the liberal and entitlement attitude entrenchment in Chicago, it's futile to attempt to make any kind of a lasting change. And if the SHTF, Chicago will be a virtual hell hole, guaranteed. Unless you have very significant reasons for being there, it's adviseable to jump ship. If you have relatives that you need to be close to, MO, KY, and INare fairly close and recognize your right to keep your firearms. Just be sure to 'lock'em down' when traversing the Republik of Illannoy.

If you've got ajob, get another. If you've got a business, sell it or move it to MO, KY, or IN.For anyone having a family farm, it's not so easy to bail, so you may just have to stick it out and dig in for a long, uphill fight. Oh, well.

Simply gladwe're not there anymore. I feel quite fortunate.