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Is this check point "legal"?


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
Will you people please stop insulting the Stasi and SS by comparing them to Amerikan police.
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Regular Member
Jan 25, 2010
, , USA
Avoidance is not illegal...

There is no statute anywhere in the land that OBLIGATES one to go through a checkpoint/roadblock...!


Regular Member
Feb 14, 2010
, ,
There is no statute anywhere in the land that OBLIGATES one to go through a checkpoint/roadblock...!

Yup. But in Jefferson County, Missouri, if you approach a checkpoint and turn around, you will be the attention of a bunch of boys in blue. Nope, no cite, or proof. But I've seen it happen.
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OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Too true. I had a MSHP trooper tell me the same thing on a state road down near Steeleville when I asked what he would have done. I told him that making a 'U' turn is not unlawful on this road. A thousand yard stare appeared.


Regular Member
Feb 12, 2012
Yup. But in Jefferson County, Missouri, if you approach a checkpoint and turn around, you will be the attention of a bunch of boys in blue. Nope, no cite, or proof. But I've seen it happen.

Many times, ofc's will set up checkpoints in areas where U turns are illegal, for obvious reasons, but of course in areas where they are not, a U turn is ok.


Regular Member
Jan 25, 2010
, , USA
Any illegal U-turn will have them come chasing after you, if you didn't make an illegal U or any other "forbidden" maneuver they have no business coming after you and pulling you over.

If they do: "Can you show me the statute that obligates me to go through a checkpoint/roadblock?" ......


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
Check points and road blocks and dui check points are all part of the scheme to raise money in the name of 'Public Safety"

A citizen by getting a Drivers license and surrendering rights for a privilege is actually a sheeple.

The license by laws depending on your state will state that you as a licensee agree to all rules and regulations of the DMV and or the state authority.
And that all the rules and regulations are subject to change by the DMV or the state at any time. So you are basically agreeing to these nazi check points and these revenue generating traps.

Now, one defense against this trap is this. While you cannot avoid the trap and cannot avoid showing your DL,INS etc, you could video the whole encounter and keep records of how much of your God given time was wasted. Then you send a billing statement to the local police department for compensation of your WASTED GOD GIVEN TIME. SEND THEM A BILL FOR YOUR TIME. If they fail to compensate you for your time by non payment, then add interest allowed by state law and file a claim in small claims court for the funds owed.

You could also try to get the names of all the citizens that were detained and had there God given time wasted, then send out some more billing statements on there behalf, Then proceed accordingly.

The pen and video camera is mightier then the sword. Seek redress for the wasting of your God given time.

If the cost and revenue to a PD is zero dollars then they will continue to waste your time under the gist of "Public Safety".
I say charge there ass for wasting your time.

I do all my work Pro Se, and my time is my money and I don't like when some agency of the government attempts to steal my time while also wasting valuable police dollars to stall and detain the very citizens that are paying there salary.

Put them on notice that a law abiding citizen will not subject him/her self to any detainment whether the detainment is deemed legal or illegal without compensation for time surrendered.

We do not have lots of time on this earth and surely if we are going to be forced and detained at some police roadblock or dui stop then we should be compensated for that loss of time.

Just my .02

I have been successful with this theory, your results may vary.

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Activist Member
Jul 2, 2010
Alexandria, VA at www.NoVA-MDSelfDefense.com
Check points and road blocks and dui check points are all part of the scheme to raise money in the name of 'Public Safety"

A citizen by getting a Drivers license and surrendering rights for a privilege is actually a sheeple.

The license by laws depending on your state will state that you as a licensee agree to all rules and regulations of the DMV and or the state authority.
And that all the rules and regulations are subject to change by the DMV or the state at any time. So you are basically agreeing to these nazi check points and these revenue generating traps.

Now, one defense against this trap is this. While you cannot avoid the trap and cannot avoid showing your DL,INS etc, you could video the whole encounter and keep records of how much of your God given time was wasted. Then you send a billing statement to the local police department for compensation of your WASTED GOD GIVEN TIME. SEND THEM A BILL FOR YOUR TIME. If they fail to compensate you for your time by non payment, then add interest allowed by state law and file a claim in small claims court for the funds owed.

You could also try to get the names of all the citizens that were detained and had there God given time wasted, then send out some more billing statements on there behalf, Then proceed accordingly.

The pen and video camera is mightier then the sword. Seek redress for the wasting of your God given time.

If the cost and revenue to a PD is zero dollars then they will continue to waste your time under the gist of "Public Safety".
I say charge there ass for wasting your time.

I do all my work Pro Se, and my time is my money and I don't like when some agency of the government attempts to steal my time while also wasting valuable police dollars to stall and detain the very citizens that are paying there salary.

Put them on notice that a law abiding citizen will not subject him/her self to any detainment whether the detainment is deemed legal or illegal without compensation for time surrendered.

We do not have lots of time on this earth and surely if we are going to be forced and detained at some police roadblock or dui stop then we should be compensated for that loss of time.

Just my .02

I have been successful with this theory, your results may vary.


I'm finding it somewhat hard to believe that you have actually been compensated for your "God given time" when detained at a checkpoint. Can you provide any substantiation?


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2010
Colorado Springs. CO
Being as how I am an old fogey now, and avoid night driving as much as possible - I haven't experienced anything like this YET. This scene reminds me of the DOT weigh stations that over the road truck drivers are constantly dealing with.

Seems to me to be a significant escalation of the heretofore REASONABLE standard form of DUI "check POINTS".

"I have no problem with it if it's keeping us safe " ( baaaaaaaaaaa !).

Over the line - on this one.

We in the United States have a constitutionally secured right to be secure in our persons, and effects from UNREASONABLE search, and seizure. This is UNREASONABLE. No probable cause whatsoever other than " operation of a motor vehicle " to subject you to a "search" by K-9. Since WHEN does the lawful operation of a motor vehicle constitute reasonable suspicion of criminal activity?

Then...of course..... the officers become annoyed that their activity is being scrutinized and documented by a pedestrian with a video camera. So they opt to take turns trying to intimidate the guy into leaving the scene ( for his safety), and more importantly -recording this travesty. He handled that well. There wouldn't be any pedestrian/traffic problems in that CVS parking lot if they weren't hijacking motorists.

I am in Arlington, Texas at the moment. The Arlington PD on August 5th raided an organic TOMATO farm with SWAT thinking that the long-haired farmers just had to be cultivating marijuana. Handcuffed the residents at gun point ramsacked their tomato plants, and seized their equipment. Estimated damage over $ 300,000.

This madness must be stopped.
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Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
I'm finding it somewhat hard to believe that you have actually been compensated for your "God given time" when detained at a checkpoint. Can you provide any substantiation?

Would the substantiation you seek provide you with enough incentive to stand up for your rights and fight the tyranny?
