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Juction City News


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Aug 9, 2008
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Hey everyone! I haven't been very active here in a while as it has been a busy summer. I haven't related any good stories about Junction City in a while so thought I would throw this one out there.

I have managed a 15 unit rental here in town for just over a year now and have had a non-stop series of issues ranging from domestic disputes to violent drunks to various levels of narcotics being bought and sold in the area.

Well tonight (because I rarely get to sleep for long) I was having a cup of coffee on the sidewalk at about 2 a.m. when one of my problem tenants (who is familiar with the inside of a jail cell) out of the blue walked up to me and asked if my sidearm was loaded. Well in an instructional voice I told him that a S&W .38 is pretty useless without rounds and yes it was loaded.

Mr. Tenant proceeded to tell me his opinion of proper handgun law and he thought I was in violation. I informed him that the local P.D. was well aware of my carry habits and had for the last year had no problems or complaints about it.

Within a half hour Mr. Tenant walked over to the P.D. Dispatch (its only 1 block away) and demanded an officer talk to him immediately. He apparently told them that after a year of me managing and carrying that I just now caused him to feel threatened.

The officer on duty (who has responded to multiple calls made by me) came to chat with me a short while later. The content of which was mostly him just letting me know what happened and to let me know the entire dept. was aware of my legal carry and had no problem with it. We proceeded to have a real nice exchange of info on local issues.

I applaud the local P.D. on their common sense and practical behavior in response to dealing with the local problems. I like to give positive reports on open carry and professional behavior from leo's.

It's nice and quiet now at 4 a.m. (finally!)


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Aug 9, 2008
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OH, I just had to add, before the officer showed up Mr. Tenant sent his (drunk) nephew out on the porch where I was having coffee with other tenants. He walks up to us and casually mentions he just bought a new video game.. then turns to me and says, "Hey, I was just curious.. what was your last name?"

Knowing what he was up to.. I just said, "For what? The police report?" ... looking surprised he denied it and wandered off... I just love it when drunks think they are being sly...

It is now 6:50 a.m. and I am off to OC at McDonald's for coffee and a sausage muffin with all the other 'old' timers..

Have a great day!


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Aug 9, 2008
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They are already under a 30 day eviction.

Now for the continuation of the story. Friday night around 11 p.m. I had a tenant with excessively loud music, after banging on his door and trying to yell over the music I waited ten minutes and called the police. Officers responded but by then his ipod had died and it was quiet so they just warned him. So at this point he is out on the front porch cussing about me with another tenant.

So I am back in my apt. when half hour later I hear noise and music from upstairs. I go up to quiet them when other drunk folks stumble into the hallway so in order to get everyones attention I yell rather loudly for everyone to leave the common areas and turn all tvs or radios down.

My maintenance man steps out (drunk) and goes toe to toe with me and proceeds to go on a 7 in tirade about my actions and that he is going to exit me from the building and F me up along with the two guys from the previous evenings problems. I proceed to call the police again. They didn't consider any actions as a direct threat to me so just warned them to be quiet. Said tenants spent the next 2-3 hrs slamming doors and yelling profanity out windows in my general direction.

During this entire episode I was unarmed / shorts and barefoot... not that it reached what I considered a dangerous physical level but still... Now for the next two days I have faced a constant barrage of profanity and names.. 'cop calling pri**head' such as that.. repeated comments that I try to intimidate ppl and hide behind a gun..

WELL, now we get to tonight (sunday) My g/f gets home from an out of state trip while I am filling her in on the events of the last week, we hear a loud noise outside.

PROPERLY armed this time.. we go out to find multiple tenants on the porch yelling for us to call the cops.. while she is asking for what I am dialing PD.. two non tenants had come up on the porch and made sexual advances on a tenant (same sex) and sucker punched him when refused. The two NT's headed down the street, another tenant grabbed a baseball bat and ran after them.. they took his bat from him and beat him upside his head which resulted in a trip to the hospital. (this is the guy who originally tried to turn me in for carrying a loaded weapon) so now the two NT's are coming back from where they had used the baseball bat on the tenant and were talking crap to other tenants on the porch who decided to take the law into their own hands and attack them. I am at this time on my second call to the police to hurry as there is a brawl in the parking lot by now.

Officers walk calmly over from the station which is just a block away.. by this time the two NT's have headed across town on foot.. took statements from those who saw most of it and proceeded to then go look for the two guys.. Now the part that ties in to open carry... and I am looking for input from ya'll...

I am trying to watch all this and keep it straight while on the phone to the police.. after it settled down, now I have the guy who I called the police on for the loud noise screaming at me that I failed to do anything being the 'badazz' with the gun.. and that I was a useless failure and etc.. etc.. with expletives and such.. what they fail to realize is that when they crossed the street to attack the two guys that they were in effect now commiting assault. Which is what I also would have been doing if I joined in. Not to mention adding a lethal weapon to a fist fight. Even the officers didnt hurry to jump into the fight.. he said it was not his place to make it worse..

I am going to stop here.. its late and Im not entirely sure I am making sense.. I will clarify more later.. must sleep... zzzz


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Aug 13, 2009
White City, Oregon, USA
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Your orignial post said that you managed this place. How much do they pay you? I don't think it's enough!!!!!!

Abotu the only thing you could have done, legally, was place the two NT's under citizens arrest. That being said, we all know how they would have reacted to that and it would have excalated even more with you now directly involved. NOT a good thing.

The moron talking trash about the "big guy with a gun" doesn't have the intelligence to understand the concept of escalation. Don't let a moron get under your skin.

Sounds like a lovely place to live....NOT.....I'd be looking for a new place to manage or working very dilligently to "clean up" the tennant roster. I hate to sterotype but I'm guessing the complex you manage is under section 8 or a similar program.


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Aug 9, 2008
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Thank you for the common sense response! Explaining escalation to these people is like beating your head on a wall.. The original NT's had already left the scene by the time I got there and when they walked back by I had no direct proof (heresay) that they had hit the guy with his own bat.. which at that point they were defending themselves...

I think section 8 would be an improvement.. we are an old building that I can't charge a lot for because its definitely not the Hilton and the rooms are small, communal bathrooms.. I already issued 3 of them evictions a couple of weeks ago.. now the police dept. is investigating us as a public nuisance and threatening to pull our business license to shut us down because of all the idiots.. they printed off a two sheet list of calls I have made in the last 12 months.. I lost count.. but it has been escalating in the last few weeks.. about 3-400%..

I told the owner I carry 24/7 now because of the place.. not only some of the tenants but their friends (addicts and dealers)..

As for pay! I get my apt comped... no monetary compensation for this! Last year I spent 2000.00 on retainers to fight false allegations from tenants.. I know..
you guys reading this asking me "Why are you still there!?"... I have no reasonable answer for that.. its a good question.. my g/f is mad at me now because of the circumstances.. It is my fault we moved there in the first place.. I can't blame her for that...

I am sorry for venting guys.. thanks for letting me.. I come here to experience at least a hint of sanity..

Other than this house, the little town is not that bad.. Oregon isn't that bad.. I just picked the wrong place to 'manage'... I will be correcting this mistake as soon as possible.

Again thanks all and hope to have better things to add later.


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Aug 13, 2009
White City, Oregon, USA
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The way the amrket is these days, if you have any kind of credit and down you might be able to find a duplex or fourplex (stay at 4 or less units to start for legal reasons) that you could "take over" from someone about to lose it. MAYBE. Real Estate agents don't cost anything to you as the buyer so go make some contacts....with a lot of them (let them all know they aren't an exclusive)..... and see what turns up.

If that would work for you PM me for my e-mail and we can discuss the issues.


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Aug 9, 2008
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I have considered the option of buying into a multi unit rental.. (not this one!). When I first moved back from Cali I was actually searching for a horse ranch/boarding stable to buy and run here in Lane County. We pretty much gave up after the market took a nose dive as financing was such an inconsistent thing.

Hmmm.. maybe it is time to reconsider that option as there are really good deals to be had.

ACTUALLY! In keeping this more on topic with open carry / 2A, I had in mind to purchase a small restaurant or cafe with catering to gun enthusiasts to be a primary goal...

2A Cafe ?
Buns n Guns ?
Biscuits n Bullets ?
Big B.O.R.E. BBQ ? (Bill Of Rights Enthusiast)

I like the idea of an end of summer BBQ or such local for open carry.. I would host it here to push the point home but don't plan on being here long enough to do so. I am going to move out a.s.a.p.

At least I have the PD here well versed in OC!!

p.s. By the way, the owner came by.. looked skeptical about the bad behavior and took money from those under eviction.. which can cancel the order.. unbelievable...


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Aug 13, 2009
White City, Oregon, USA
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I like the Big B.O.R.E. BBQ. SMILE

Yeah, you can't take moeny from a tennant under eviction no matter how far behind they areor it vacates the eviction process if they decide to take you to court. ANY land lord should know that. Sound like he's a slum lord more than a land lord.


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Aug 9, 2008
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Yes! He only was worried about a few more bucks over the fact that the city could close him down.. I don't think he believes they will do it.. of course this is a guy who when I first took over and I didn't know landlord/tenant law would lock doors and turn off services as well as bully tactics to get paid.. I should have known.. I tend to be a bit too trusting at times..

I am fond of the Big BORE BBQ idea as well.. maybe a statewide Oregon event for the next summer would be an idea.. hmmm...

You know, I have found more ppl noticing my new .38 over the ol black beast of a .45 I was carrying.. maybe its the nickel finish.. I got carried away with the jewelers rouge and the dremel.. darn thing is shiny!!


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Aug 9, 2008
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The Rooming House Saga ends this labor day weekend!!

I am moving out right now and cannot wait for the final box to leave this god forsaken place. I won't have nearly as many stories of drug dealers in the alley or violent tenants or such but that is fine by me. I might actually get some rest for a change.

I am looking forward to a pleasant winter and hope everyone has a great weekend!

Rev. Jim