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Kitsap County Open Carry Report


Regular Member
Jun 16, 2009
Kitsap Co., Washington, USA
I'm still here too - Port Orchard - I just don't post here much because it turned in to a drama-fest (I miss the old productive days of OC dialog). - I still open carry when weather permits, and i am ALWAYS armed, but admittedly the times are such that I'm a bit more concerned about triggering liberal crazies than I was before (with all the physical attacks on conservatives, maga-hats, and anyone outside of the crazy circle). So - Sunny days when I don't have to worry about being kicked out of a store (Freddie's or Walmart) I still bear my Stainless Vaquero, or if going light, my SP-101, and trolley around town. I haven't actually been kicked from Walmart (yet?) and the floor crew at Freddie's was bemoaning the absence of my six-gun when I noted their new policy. I've has several of their workers mention they appreciate my presence when OC, and especially like the Vaquero. They say they feel safer, and know someone the can trust (not a cop or criminal) is there to "watch their backs". They said they weren't sure if their GM plans on actually enforcing that since they have a few peeps like me whom they all really appreciate. -- I will try to post when I know.

So Yep -- I'm still here too... well .. still out there anyways.

P.S. - I'll be at the Sunday WA show in Puyallup, haven't seen what the shows look like post I-1639 ... <sad>


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
I'm still here too - Port Orchard - I just don't post here much because it turned in to a drama-fest (I miss the old productive days of OC dialog). -


Sorry Batousail you missed the discussion of productive dialogues regarding 594, 1491, 1639 citizen generated initiatives due to the drama fest out here ~ really?

welcome back & thanks for OC when the weather permits...


Regular Member
Jun 16, 2009
Kitsap Co., Washington, USA
curious you would be the one to reply first. Especially considering the year long gap on this thread (2018)
Also curious the only part of my writ you quoted or replied to was the noted "drama-fest" - was that a trigger?
Also curious you make sure to note 1639 was "citizen generated" ... interesting indeed.... curiouser and curiouser.

So Yes Solus ... Really ...


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Let’s see batousaii, since 1912 +/- when Washington state passed it’s initiative & referendum legislature where the good citizens of the state can make and remake their laws to their perception after the citizen sponsors secure enough Wa citizen’s signatures to be put their initiative on the State’s ballot.

The process, in the past, appears to function as designed, but in olden days JQCitizen sponsor lacked the mega bucks to promote their ‘slanted law’. Unfortunately in recent times the well funded special interest groups ~ not a singular citizen per se, are promoting their slanted and extremely biased ‘reforms’ against another group of Wa citizens not necessarily the entire population.

you are the one in your post who pointedly self promoted you missed the ‘productive dialogue’ meaning the Selected firearm citizen’s citizen initiatives over the last FOUR years...

Per wa SoS, 1639 was sponsored by https://gunresponsibility.org/ Their bravado...quote:
We’ve made more progress in Washington than we ever thought possible! We’ve passed three initiatives...unquote
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Regular Member
Mar 3, 2010
Bellingham, WA, USA
I am still OCing daily up here in Bellingham. Attended the Gun Rights Policy Conference in September. Gottlieb and crew did a fantastic job. For some reason I was unaware that the Second Amendment Foundation was based in Bellevue.

I haven't been to Walmart or Freddy's since their OC ban. Walmart is not a big deal, but I really miss Fred Meyers. I may go just to test the waters. If I get no flack, then I may continue shopping there. Of course, I emailed all of the companies that instituted their ban, and I called Walgreens and cancelled my rewards card. She seemed to be kinda pro, and told me that they had instructions to keep a tally on the folks calling in about their ban.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I am still OCing daily up here in Bellingham. Attended the Gun Rights Policy Conference in September. Gottlieb and crew did a fantastic job. For some reason I was unaware that the Second Amendment Foundation was based in Bellevue.

I haven't been to Walmart or Freddy's since their OC ban. Walmart is not a big deal, but I really miss Fred Meyers. I may go just to test the waters. If I get no flack, then I may continue shopping there. Of course, I emailed all of the companies that instituted their ban, and I called Walgreens and cancelled my rewards card. She seemed to be kinda pro, and told me that they had instructions to keep a tally on the folks calling in about their ban.
You do know that Fred Meyer is owned by the Kroger and Kroger poopoos open carry in their stores and will not honer their policies, meaning their policies are not worth the paper there written on.

fire suppressor

Regular Member
Jul 13, 2008
Kitsap County
Hello all, I hope no one minds me resurrecting this thread. While I joined in 2008 I have been absent for the last few years as I have moved in and out of state and been busy with everything life has to throw at me. I've logged back into the forum for the first time in a long time to try and check in but of course a lot has happened and is happening right now. With that I will say hello, apologize for any gaps knowledge and share my most recent open carry experience.

Last Tuesday June 2, 2020 I was fishing at Island Lake near Silverdale when I was approached by a Fish and Wild Life officer. I was open carrying my S&W Shield and was mid cast when I was contacted by the officer. The officer kept his 6 foot distance and came up on my strong side so there is no doubt in my mind he saw my gun. The officer who's name I can not remember was polite and asked for my fishing license but nothing else. After bringing my line in I reached past my gun to my back pocket to get my fishing license out. Still no reaction from the officer. He looked over my license, gave it back to me and wished me a good day. That was it, the entire encounter took about 1 minute.