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initiating facepalm of epic proportions...
on the upside, Sheriff Szymanski has finally committed his views publicly to the media. i've been after him for two years, now, and he's managed to avoid speaking with me on this subject. his second-in-command, Deputy Dom Manetti, is under the impression that open carry is considered 'public nuisance', and as such, an individual could be cited for it. i let him know my schedule for the following weeks afterwards as an invtation to do so to me. no one ever showed.
the Sheriff, however, has been noticeably mum on the subject until now. now, his hand can be forced.
here are some people to contact and annoy about this:
Bill Davis, Deputy Director/ Parks and Recreation
Phone: 570-963-6764
Fax: 570-963-6351
E-mail: davisw@lackawannacounty.org
Commissioner Michael J. Washo, Chairman
Phone: 570-963-6800
Fax: 570-963-6812
E-Mail: washom@lackawannacounty.org
Commissioner Corey D. O’Brien, Vice-Chairman
Phone: 570-963-6800
Fax: 570-963-6812
E-mail: cobrien@lackawannacounty.org
Commissioner A. J. Munchak
Phone: 570-963-6800
Fax: 570-963-6812
E-mail: munchakaj@lackawannacounty.org
Maria Elkins, Chief of Staff
Phone: 570-963-6800
Fax: 570-963-6812
E-mail: elkinsm@lackawannacounty.org
John Szymanski
Phone: 570-963-6719
Fax: 570-963-6859
E-mail: szymanskij@lackawannacounty.org
Dom Manetti
Phone: 570-963-6719 Ext: 7110
Fax: 570-963-6859
E-mail: manettid@lackawannacounty.org
Fran Dirienzo
Phone: 570-963-6719
Fax: 570-963-6859
E-mail: dirienzof@lackawannacounty.org
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------County rules on guns could be unconstitutional
By Charles Schillinger (Staff Writer)
Published: June 10, 2010
New rules on guns in Lackawanna County parks adopted by county commissioners last month are being challenged by local law enforcement as too lenient, and by gun-law experts as possibly unconstitutional.
Commissioners approved rules and regulations prohibiting smoking, skateboarding and other activities in county parks, including new restrictions on guns. The rule says, "No unlicensed firearms or weapons are allowed in a park." Discharging a firearm is also prohibited.
Olyphant resident Keith MacDonald challenged the language at a commissioners meeting Wednesday, saying there is no license for guns in Pennsylvania and arguing the county cannot prohibit people from openly carrying a firearm.
Meanwhile, Sheriff John Szymanski said he also plans to challenge the new rule - arguing the county should make it more strict.
"We don't allow firearms in the park," said Mr. Szymanski, whose department oversees law enforcement of county parks. "It's a public facility, and if you walk around with a gun, you're going to intimidate a lot of people. Our position is we're not allowing it and we're going to ask for clarification on that point."
The wording of park rules, unchanged or made more strict, could set off a constitutional debate on gun rights in Lackawanna County, experts say. County solicitor John O'Brien said they are reviewing the language and looking to see how it can be updated.
"Our intention is not to make illegal anything that you can already do under state law," Mr. O'Brien said, indicating he thinks openly carrying a firearm in a park might be allowed under state law.
Mr. O'Brien couldn't say what the county meant by an "unlicensed firearm."
"What is an unlicensed firearm?" asked attorney Edward Bilik, who takes on gun law cases in the western part of the state. "I believe that they're pre-empting state statute with that, and it's going to be unconstitutional."
Tunkhannock attorney Jerry Grimaud, who takes on constitutional law cases, said the wording of the county park rules "would likely not pass constitutional muster." He added the county would have issues if it outright banned guns, as Mr. Szymanski plans to request.
"That's clearly unconstitutional," said Mr. Grimaud. "It's probably not been the subject of litigation, but if it does, I'm convinced it's not constitutional."
Pennsylvania has no license to carry a gun - there is a license to carry a concealed weapon - or state registration of gun owners, said Jack Lewis, a state police spokesman. State police only require sellers check the background of a person prior to the sale of a handgun.
Contact the writer: cschillinger@timesshamrock.com
The Lackawanna County commissioners are doing all they can to keep guns out of the county's two parks but the county's gun ban is stirring up a bit of controversy.
Paul Moffitt and his dog, Sarah, go to Merli-Sarnoski Park outside Carbondale a few times a week. He recently found out about the new gun ban implemented at county parks. "I don't believe anyone should have an unlicensed gun in a county or a state park. It's just sort of a contradiction," said Paul Moffitt.
That's where it gets tricky. The county recently banned "unlicensed guns" in county parks, even though you don't officially need a license to carry an unconcealed gun anywhere in Pennsylvania. The county soliciter said the ban is trying to deter people from having guns in the park, but he admits they cannot stop anyone from bringing a legally owned gun into a park.
The Lackawanna County Sheriff John Szymanski said there is a meeting coming up with commissioners to discuss and potentially revise some of the words in the gun ban. He said the county is, "Not opposed to the carry law, but that they have an obligation to the patrons of the park to prevent intimidation (from people carrying guns)."
The owner of Bill's Sporting Goods in Scranton said current gun laws are already confusing. "I sell guns and meet a lot of people that have them, and you could have five people here and we could ask them and we'd get five different opinions on what the rules and laws and regulations are," said Ted Warholic Jr.
A dad at McDade Park in Scranton said guns have no place in parks. "It would definitely make me a little nervous seeing someone with a gun in a holster walking around in a park. You never know these days. There's some crazy individuals out there," said Brian Martin of Scranton.
Paul Moffitt feels the constitutional right to carry a gun shouldn't trump his right for safety. "I think my dog is my constitutional right, and I have a right to bring her up here and not put her in danger," he said.
Despite the controversy, an employee at McDade Park said signs outlining the gun ban will be going up in the county parks in the coming weeks.
initiating facepalm of epic proportions...
on the upside, Sheriff Szymanski has finally committed his views publicly to the media. i've been after him for two years, now, and he's managed to avoid speaking with me on this subject. his second-in-command, Deputy Dom Manetti, is under the impression that open carry is considered 'public nuisance', and as such, an individual could be cited for it. i let him know my schedule for the following weeks afterwards as an invtation to do so to me. no one ever showed.
the Sheriff, however, has been noticeably mum on the subject until now. now, his hand can be forced.
here are some people to contact and annoy about this:
Bill Davis, Deputy Director/ Parks and Recreation
Phone: 570-963-6764
Fax: 570-963-6351
E-mail: davisw@lackawannacounty.org
Commissioner Michael J. Washo, Chairman
Phone: 570-963-6800
Fax: 570-963-6812
E-Mail: washom@lackawannacounty.org
Commissioner Corey D. O’Brien, Vice-Chairman
Phone: 570-963-6800
Fax: 570-963-6812
E-mail: cobrien@lackawannacounty.org
Commissioner A. J. Munchak
Phone: 570-963-6800
Fax: 570-963-6812
E-mail: munchakaj@lackawannacounty.org
Maria Elkins, Chief of Staff
Phone: 570-963-6800
Fax: 570-963-6812
E-mail: elkinsm@lackawannacounty.org
John Szymanski
Phone: 570-963-6719
Fax: 570-963-6859
E-mail: szymanskij@lackawannacounty.org
Dom Manetti
Phone: 570-963-6719 Ext: 7110
Fax: 570-963-6859
E-mail: manettid@lackawannacounty.org
Fran Dirienzo
Phone: 570-963-6719
Fax: 570-963-6859
E-mail: dirienzof@lackawannacounty.org