Campaign Veteran
The current forum only provides eight (8) lines of writing space, and the width is limited to about half my screen.
That's not much!
vBulletin at least had an Advanced button which took you to roughly twice that.
Of course most posts don't need that much space. Some posts, however, need a lot more. In response, both message forums and other forms of social media either use sliding windows which resize themselves as required, or they simply change the default parameter to something more useful, like 32.
Thirty-two (32) lines would be great!
That's not much!
vBulletin at least had an Advanced button which took you to roughly twice that.
Of course most posts don't need that much space. Some posts, however, need a lot more. In response, both message forums and other forms of social media either use sliding windows which resize themselves as required, or they simply change the default parameter to something more useful, like 32.
Thirty-two (32) lines would be great!