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legal or illegal

papa bear

Regular Member
Jul 25, 2010
mayberry, nc
i ran across this discussing the other day and it made me think about somethings

the discussion was that in some areas. the "authorities" wants people to think that thing are illegal until they decide on them. weather or not it is legal or not

i know here in NC we OC because there are no laws against it

how do you think it is in your area?


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
That which is not specifically referred to as illegal in the statutes is left profoundly LEGAL.

Further, Virginia is a Dillon Rule state - municipalities only have the authority granted them by the General Assembly.

Are we sometimes faced with information/directives under color of law? Yep, but there is a cure for that.

papa bear

Regular Member
Jul 25, 2010
mayberry, nc
agreed GRAPSHOT. but there are a lot of things that fall under this. on first thought, like is it illegal to OC in IL. probably is, but i haven't seen the law on it. just like the AG in WV said that it is illegal for non-residence to carry in WV. but couldn't say where it was in the law.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
Remember that "the law, what she is" comes from both statute and case law. While there may not be a statute saying something is verboten you should not blissfully go out and attempt doing it until you have checked the case law to see if somebody's mistaken, bone-headedly wrong, unconsitutional opinion was actually held up by a court of record - in which case it became "the law, what she is".

Thus endeth today's lesson on legal research and why you should learn how to do it.

stay safe.