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Looking at a job in Wheaton


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Oct 27, 2008
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I am looking at applying for a faculty job at Wheaton College. How is the attitude toward the RTKBA in that part of Illinois? I know it's close to Chicago and have read a lot of horror stories about Chicago. (Too bad it's not here in New Mexico.)



Campaign Veteran
May 9, 2006
, Illinois, USA
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sss01@cnsp.com wrote:
I am looking at applying for a faculty job at Wheaton College. How is the attitude toward the RTKBA in that part of Illinois? I know it's close to Chicago and have read a lot of horror stories about Chicago. (Too bad it's not here in New Mexico.)


kind of a yuppie school. the area is not too awful though for Illinois.

i am told there is a pretty decent gun club not far away called aurora sportsman's club. a bit pricey, but will be nice when they finish it.


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Mar 6, 2008
Free, Colorado, USA
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DuPage County is gun friendly, and Wheaton is the County Seat. Still, gun friendly in IL is a lot different than "gun friendly." I grew up in DuPage County and OC back in the day wasn't much of problem--but that was rural Bloomingdale area. Now, not so much.


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Nov 3, 2008
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I live in Wheaton and went to Wheaton College (for ROTC). As far as RTKBA pretty good considering that there are no "extra laws" over and above what the state requires. The Dupage county sheriff is on record as against CCW and common folks owning "Assualt Weapons". But there are no laws against owning them. It's also a good place to raise a family. District 200 schools are among the top 5 in state year after year and my son's school (Whittier) ranked #22 state wide on the ISAT's among Elementary and Middle schools.

I'm president of the Aurora Sportsmens' Club in Sugar Grove. (http://www.aurorasc.org) We're still shooting there and can for the next 7 years. We are working on new facilities out at Waterman. We're looking to be able to start shooting out there early next year.

Here's what we offer in Sugar Grove. Shotgun Sports: Trap, Skeet, 5 Stand, and Sporting Clays.

We have both3D and Field Archery courses along with a elevated platform you can use broadheads on. We also have a 15m indoor archery range.

We have a 25yd, 50yd and 100yd Rifle/Pistol range. Other then the ISRA Range at Bonfield and Buffalo Range in Ottawa, we're the only place you can shoot centerfire rifle in Northeastern Illinois.

Dues are currently $315 per year and there's a one time initiation fee of $315. For that your membership includes you, your spouse and any kids under the age of 18. You have access to the club 365 days per year, ouropen shooting hours are 8am to legal sunset M-F, and 9am to legal sunset Sat and Sun.Wedo stay open later for shotgun sports events on Tues, Friday and one Saturday a month. Youget discounted prices at speical events. Once we move to Waterman your membership automatically transfers.

Out at Waterman, we'll have 6 Trap and Skeet fields (initially), 5 Stand, Sporting Clays. A larger 3DArchery course and Field Archery Range. We'll alsohave 25 ft, 25 m, 50m,100m, 200m, and 600m rifle/pistol ranges. Those are basically done, the Berms are built, roads and parking lots are inand we're just working with the county to close out our site development permit and get our special use permit to begin shooting.

If you have any questions about Wheaton or ASC, send e-mail to: president at aurorasc dot org. I'd be happy to help you out.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
St Clair County, Illinois, USA
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sss01@cnsp.com wrote:
I am looking at applying for a faculty job at Wheaton College. How is the attitude toward the RTKBA in that part of Illinois? I know it's close to Chicago and have read a lot of horror stories about Chicago. (Too bad it's not here in New Mexico.)

Craig, In the state of Illnoise, if you are outside of Crook county, you DO have the right to KEEP arms. Nowhere in this 'state' is your right to "BEAR" them observed. Good luck with the job!


Regular Member
Nov 30, 2008
Joliet, Illinois, USA
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From the Illinois Constitution of the State of Illinois

Section 22.RIGHT TO ARMS

Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. (Source: Illinois Constitution.)

HA HA HA that's funny! :banghead:


Campaign Veteran
Apr 2, 2007
Southeast, Missouri, USA
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sss01@cnsp.com wrote:
(Too bad it's not here in New Mexico.)
The good news is that there are tons of illegals in IL, so besides having almost no 2A rights observed and living in one of the highest taxed, highest crime and most corrupt states in the union, you may very well feel right at home in many respects.

*Even though I spent a majority of my formative years in IL, I now rarely admit to having lived there and certainly would never refer to myself as from IL, and I would certainly never be called an ambassador for the state. I follow IL goings on mainly because it is right across the river and a lot of their stupid ass decisions have negative impacts on my life on a regular basis in a myriad of ways.*