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Magna Trigger

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Brian D.

Regular Member
Jul 27, 2007
Cincy area, Ohio, USA
Besides some S&W revolvers did the company ever successfully make this gadget for any other handguns ? Best I recall the concept was a total failure with semiautomatics.


Regular Member
Mar 11, 2015
Reno, Nevada
Besides some S&W revolvers did the company ever successfully make this gadget for any other handguns ? Best I recall the concept was a total failure with semiautomatics.

It fits S&W j,k,l, and n Frame revolvers, and one Ruger revolver. I do not know if there were other attempts at semis. They had a mod for Glocks, but it's just an additional safety.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
You implied that if you carry in a purse and not a retention holster, it is dumb. --snipped--
You are trying my patience, sir.

I implied nothing and very clearly stated otherwise. See my post #14 above wherein I said,

"I know a few women that carry in a purse part of the time. I also know some women that only carry at all part of the time. I never tell them that is dumb - that would be insulting IMO. I tell them it is not the best choice and why."

I educate as well as learn from others - hope to never stop learning. Will never stop educating.

While we are on the subject of educating, let me offer some advice/education to you - it is very bad form to misquote someone (rule violation) or imply they said something when clearly they did not. Particularly a bad choice when that person is a Moderator - Forum Rule #16 can easily be interpreted to cover this.

I also said, "Back on topic or experience a rapid thread lock."

PM will be sent and locking this thread.

Added: Getting the last word in is precisely one of my functions - I set the record straight and stop any argument about it.
Worth mentioning too is that you do not determine what rights, privileges, or authority I might have.
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