Without reading all the reference cases; her predisposition seemed to leave the Gun Ban in place before she ever started the bench trial. When it came to having experts provide testimony, she seemed to side with the defendants and their 'experts' and gave them a little more leeway than the plaintiffs. She quoted Daubert decision several times (which is not out of the norm for experts); however, seemingly to justify the allowance of the experts for the defendants, but not necessarily for the plaintiffs.
IMHO, she took great latitudes to get to her analysis of Heller I & II. Basically, she came to the conclusion that Heller I & II said it was ok to ban firearms that were not common and would provide great danger in public, i.e. machine guns. Therefore, since she was provided data that less than 3% of gun owners have an AR/AK platform, less than 1% for Maryland, this is not common enough. She said although millions have been sold, most of them were sales to already owners of the platform; subsequently, again, not a common firearm in the public. As for the large capacity magazines, based upon the defendants data, most home defense situations only require 2.5 shots; therefore, the 10 round max was more than sufficient.