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MD House passes SB-281--most restrictive gun laws in the region...


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
As of 1 October 2013, the following rules will apply in MD:

1) NOBODY--even MD PTCH holders or even off-duty cops can't carry on school property

2) you need a "Handgun Qualification License" to buy, transfer, or rent ANY handgun or "regulated firearm", which is essentially the same system IL has with it's FOID cards, except it ALSO requires you spend hundreds of dollars on a training course, and pay a fee of $20 per firearm to the State.

One unintended consequence of this prat of the new law is that it makes it illegal for non-MD-residents to rent handguns at MD ranges, because they cannot get these MD HCL cards.

3) you cannot transfer or sell ANY "assault weapon", regardless of when you bought it, or how long you have legally owned it. (good news is, people who ALREADY own such firearms get to keep them, and don't have to register them if they already own them legally unregistered)

4) Magazine capacity limited to 10 rounds.

5) Ban on the new purchase, transfer or importation of "assault weapons" including ANY AR-15-style rifle, ANY semi-auto shotgun with an adjustable stock and forward grip, or any semi-auto rifle with a pistol grip and a flash suppressor, collapsible stock, or magazine capacity of greater than 10 rounds.

6) NO provisions were included in this new bill to strengthen punishments against violent criminals who use guns in the commission of their crimes.

So essentially, the Legislature voted to punish law-abiding citizens, FFL dealers, gun ranges and even ACTIVE DUTY LEOs through increased fees, increased regulation and registration.

But they actually did NOTHING to punish criminals for using guns in the commission of their crimes.

Thanks, Governor O'Malley, Senator Frosh, and Representative Vallario, for making MD one of the most HOSTILE states in the union for law-abiding gun owners, FFL dealers, shooting ranges, and firearms mnufacturers.

And I am sure all the MS-13 members, Bloods, Crips and other misc. gang members in MD will thank you too, for making their job easier, and increasing their "occupational safety"...

Red Dawg

Regular Member
Dec 29, 2010
Eastern VA, with too many people

1) NOBODY--even MD PTCH holders or even off-duty cops can't carry on school property

So, How do you tell a plainclothes cop from an off duty cop? What about the off duty cop required to carry his handgun, and needs to pick up their kid from school?

2) you need a "Handgun Qualification License" to buy, transfer, or rent ANY handgun or "regulated firearm", which is essentially the same system IL has with it's FOID cards, except it ALSO requires you spend hundreds of dollars on a training course, and pay a fee of $20 per firearm to the State.

So, when a loved one dies and wills a handgun to someone from out of state, they can't have it?

My home state sure sucks now....