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Moms Demanding Action counter protest


Regular Member
Aug 1, 2012
Pointy end and slightly to the left
Today there was a Moms Demanding Action anti gun get together protest at Sunset Park. An open carry Face book group did a counter protest. Our turn out was larger than there’s. They were doing their speeches full of guns “bad” BS to the small group. As they were facing the speaker taken pictures, we had 5 woman all OCing carrying signs behind the speaker. It was peaceful no yelling or name-calling. A LEO did show up and talked to both groups. The spokes person for the OCers talked to the LEO said words to this affect. If anyone in the anti gun group needs protection we got it covered. The LEO got a good laugh out of it. The cool part is a few years back the LEOs ignored the preemption laws when it came to the city and county parks and would use the parks bogus gun rules to intimidate OCers, finally a nonissue. We did have a few passer byers asking what we were up to and when told, said they were on our side of the issue. One with three large dogs hung out with us for a while.
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Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
...One with three large dogs hung out with us for a while.

DOGS? They allow people to own such devices? These things have a mind of their own, and there are countless examples of those who have been poorly trained and insufficiently stored, and have caused injuries and deaths. These things should only be in the hands of highly trained police officers and kept out of public parks or anywhere near children!


Regular Member
Aug 1, 2012
Pointy end and slightly to the left
DOGS? They allow people to own such devices? These things have a mind of their own, and there are countless examples of those who have been poorly trained and insufficiently stored, and have caused injuries and deaths. These things should only be in the hands of highly trained police officers and kept out of public parks or anywhere near children!

I just hope he cleans up their landmines. They would be a real tripping hazard.