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More, "does openly carried guns make people nervous," and the sickening answers.


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
Greater Eastside Washington
More, "does openly carried guns make people nervous," and the sickening answers.


When the 2nd amendment was written it took a lot of time to load and fire a musket. There were no pre-loaded revolvers or automatic weapons in existence. If someone saw another person walking down the street with a musket (which was hardly common) there was little fear the musket was loaded. That is unlikely if we see someone today with a gun. We assume it's loaded.

Someone from my university recently shot himself through his hand with his own gun because he mishandled it while it was in a backpack. He had just purchased it, had never used it before, and had received no training. Would he have whipped it out anyway if an assailant appeared? You bet.

The small hands guys are gun toting do-gooders. They really believe they are good guys with guns. They’re not aware of the consequences of their own action and how they quickly become part of the problem. Best example is the guy who was going to save people in a Walmart and ended up being killed because he missed one of the shooters was a woman. Darwin Award.

Working as I do with psychological pathology, one learns to recognize the tattle-tale looks and gestures that reveal those disorders. Observing most of the open carry freaks, it doesn't take a trained psychologist to know they’ve got issues. Healthy people's threat assessment alarms go off. Gun toting guys are living a dangerous fantasy in which people will die. They are wannabe cops and police. They actually believe because they think they are on the side of rightness, they are.

There is a testing instrument for us called the Rorschach (ink blot). It's a projective test which shows how people's minds are put together. What a lot of people don't realize is, projection is always going on. People project what they believe onto the world. They think they're being rational and objective and just seeing what's true and factual. They aren't. It's their fantasy. Especially what things mean.

And why are they that way? Who builds big thick castle walls, insecure people or secure people? Insecure. Where did that come from? Childhood. They have some kind of unfinished business growing up and they’ve drug it into the present. They are going to project all that anger, resentment and insecurity onto the situation. Pardon the pun, they're locked and loaded.

Just some of it found there.
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Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Everyone dies. Get over the paranoia Dr. Buzz Kill. [ref. comments linked in OP's OP]

I think people over value their own worth by like a billion times.


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2010
Dandridge, TN
I am too computer illiterate to post links but, The Daily Mail online (article dated 7/1/09 by James Slack) bestows the UK the title of the most violent country in Europe with 2,034 per 100k incidents. Current stats for violent crimes year to year 2014 to 2015 show a 25% increase in "violence against the person". The glaring omittance of any comparative stats between the UK and the US reduces this authors writings to nothing but pure drivel, but we knew that. Unfortunately there are those that feel this way. The difference between the anti and the pro 2A fronts is that the anti wishes to force those that do not agree with their view to conform to their "common sense", whereas the pro are not trying to force anyone to carry that do not wish to carry a firearm and they refuse to see that.

To me, the most disturbing comments come from those that say they are gun owners BUT.......I own guns BUT..........I support the 2A BUT. I carry for my protection. I want to be left alone to go about my daily activities. I don't seek attention. I don't want to come riding to the rescue with guns a'blazin. I don't care that you don't like guns and don't carry one yourself. You are on your own. I will do for you exactly what you would do for me, and that's call 911 for ya.


Regular Member
Feb 3, 2013
Las Vegas
Is there somebody on that forum linking to this site and asking about "why people open carry" and exclaiming "the sickening answers"??? :lol::uhoh::shocker::rolleyes:


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
There was a poster I had as a teen that had a Kilroy-like face with its nose hanging over a fence and the eyes looking sharply to one side. The text on the poster was (appropriately enough) - -

"Just because you are paranoid does not mean they AREN'T out to get you!"

Yogart Z. Scretch (SP?) - he was well known in my high school.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Why would you feel uncomfortable seeing someone "open carry" a sword? It becomes a question of trust. Trusting the other person is not paranoid and won't jump to act in false conclusion.
When I'm driving down the road hundreds of cars pass by me going the other direction. Mistrust is at about .0001%......