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More lies from the washington post


Regular Member
Sep 9, 2008
Herington, Kansas, USA
I find it amusing that none of the straw buyers in this article were prosecuted. Huh? They are complicit along with the perps. The Post didn't bother to ask why either.

Blaming the dealer is like the antis blaming the gun for these crimes. How about the CRIMINALS getting blamed? Liberals won't do that.

Nothing new here. Anyone with half a brain can see right through this. But liberals don't even have half a brain.

They should outlaw spoons because they cause obesity

Are you kidding, blame the criminals? Come on they're just downtrodden poor folks that there Momma's never breast fed and are put down by "The Man"
Seriously tho', trying to make the "Libs" understand that personal responsibility and placing the blame where it should be is like trying to teach a monkey Quantum Physics. You can talk til you're blue in the face and they still won't understand.


Regular Member
Sep 9, 2008
Herington, Kansas, USA
+1: A Thai Stick for Alex, except for the gratuitous jab at "progressives", but even that is forgiven because I know he cannot help himself.

Must be the brain damage . . .

Where've you been lately Donkey? Did you not hear Hillary say "I prefer the term "Progressive" like the early 20th century Progressive Party" ??? Suggest you look into it and do some research. There are progressives on both side of the political spectrum, John McCain being one of them. These people are wolves and they want nothing more than a totalitarian world government that THEY will tell you what you can and can't do because they are smarter than you.

The Donkey

New member
Sep 21, 2006
Northern Virginia
Are you kidding, blame the criminals? Come on they're just downtrodden poor folks that there Momma's never breast fed and are put down by "The Man"
Seriously tho', trying to make the "Libs" understand that personal responsibility and placing the blame where it should be is like trying to teach a monkey Quantum Physics. You can talk til you're blue in the face and they still won't understand.

Teaching quantum physics to a monkey would be difficult:


It is, on the other hand, feasable to teach newtonian physics to humans with a monkey and a gun:


But this has proven controversial amongst monkeys:


IMHO, "trying to make the 'Libs' understand that personal responsibility and placing the blame where it should be" is more like teaching quantum physics to a dog. We actually have a knack for it, but you have to approach us in the right way.

Some guidance for the perplexed is available:


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The Donkey

New member
Sep 21, 2006
Northern Virginia
Where've you been lately Donkey? Did you not hear Hillary say "I prefer the term "Progressive" like the early 20th century Progressive Party" ??? Suggest you look into it and do some research. There are progressives on both side of the political spectrum, John McCain being one of them. These people are wolves and they want nothing more than a totalitarian world government that THEY will tell you what you can and can't do because they are smarter than you.

You should know by now, Mustang, that I am quieter at some times than in others, but that I never ever really leave.

Actually, I have done a bit of research in this area. See, e.g.:


Unfortunately, in my opinion, most of what is written and said on this subject is a bunch of bandersnatch.



Founder's Club Member
Sep 9, 2007
The Real World.
You should know by now, Mustang, that I am quieter at some times than in others, but that I never ever really leave.

Actually, I have done a bit of research in this area. See, e.g.:


Unfortunately, in my opinion, most of what is written and said on this subject is a bunch of bandersnatch.


Well Donk, I'm glad you at least take the time to look at another point of view. That's a lot more than most of the libs I've ever known do. When I did it, I found out I wasn't a liberal. At the very least you promote gun ownership, so you're not a total loss. All we need to do now is get you to understand that gov't taking wealth from the rich does not make anyone else richer. It only serves those who govern.


Regular Member
Jul 21, 2008
Alexandria, Virginia, United States
:banghead:This week's Post blather took the turn about how "guns kill cops". Well, let's face it, the Post and the libtards and the Ratz are right.

There's only one problem. How do you strap a firearm into the electric chair?

But seriously, the article was long on talk about obtaining firearms and way short on the culture that produced the criminals and allowed them to be free and among us. And it isn't "Our Violent Culture" or some such twaddle. It is the culture of entitlement that began with LBJ's "Great Society". Scratch that. It started with the institution of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

And actually it is a sub-culture of that culture, the people who have dived into the pool of "government entitlement' and now look to the government to resolve every little boo-boo they get on their precious punkin' haids.

Lay down your arms, give all your money to the government according to your ability and trust the government to distribute it according to the needs of ordinary people like you. And carry enough money so the robbers won't get mad at you and shoot you before the cops can come save you.

(And hope you have enough left for "mugger money' by the time the Feds get finished pilfering your paycheck). At least if none of the good citizens is armed, then if a cop gets shot during a traffic stop it will be clear to everyone that the cop-killer is a bad guy. This is why guns must be outlawed, so the police will know that a cop-killer is an outlaw......:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

The Donkey

New member
Sep 21, 2006
Northern Virginia
. . . And it isn't "Our Violent Culture" or some such twaddle. It is the culture of entitlement that began with LBJ's "Great Society". Scratch that. It started with the institution of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

And actually it is a sub-culture of that culture, the people who have dived into the pool of "government entitlement' and now look to the government to resolve every little boo-boo they get on their precious punkin' haids.

Lay down your arms, give all your money to the government according to your ability and trust the government to distribute it according to the needs of ordinary people like you. And carry enough money so the robbers won't get mad at you and shoot you before the cops can come save you. . . .


You know Alex, I think that what you say here is wrong.

It is, nevertheless, very interesting to me because it gets at a difference between us in outlook that is really more fundamental than party affiliation, or political/economic philosophy, and certainly any differences that we may or may not have about guns. But now I see how this difference effects the different way we approach all of these things.

I have always thought of you as an old hippy who had some kind of political epiphany in early adulthood -- maybe from driving a cab -- maybe from something else -- that caused you to retch out your liberalism.

If you would have seen me in the early 1970s, you might have thought from my long hair and extracurricular activities that I was a liberal too. I certainly was not that, although I was very young and not yet "politically conscious" enough to have a name then for what I was.

I recognize it now as a form of radical libertarianism, or anarchism. Another related word that you might have used to describe me -- with some justification -- would be "criminal."

Why was I a criminal? It was not because of:

. . . the culture of entitlement that began with LBJ's "Great Society".

And I certainly was not one of:

the people who have dived into the pool of "government entitlement' and now look to the government to resolve every little boo-boo they get on their precious punkin' haids.


I think now that a great deal of it was because my young friends and I had found certain physical locations -- like near the railroad tracks that ran half a mile from my house -- where we could be completely free of any effective adult oversight or guidance.

So we started to do there what boys that age are naturally inclined to do -- like throw rocks at things -- at whatever the hell we wanted -- like trains, trucks, and stuff stored behind factories, for example. There was also nobody there to remind us not to take certain risks -- so we took unbelievable risks -- with our own, each other's, and other people's lives. Because our parents were not there, and there were no good adult surrogates, we replaced these social structures with structures of our own, headed by whatever kids were the highest in the social pecking order of the moment. We were sometimes "led" by these kids to do whatever it was that they wanted -- overcoming certain inhibitions that stop most people from doing bad things in many other circumstances.

That was pretty bad for me in my young life, and it definitely could have been deadly for me or someone else.

But it inclines me to wonder, how much worse would my early, youthful, explorations have been if there weren't just a few anarchic hangouts like this in my life, but if there were many such dangerous and "ruleless" places.

What if my school (outside of the classroom) was like that?

What if my neighborhood was like that?

What if my home was like that?

I have no way of knowing for sure, but I strongly suspect that if that was my background, I would be busy laundering my t-shirts in the toilet in my cell right now, and not having this pleasant conversation with you.

I suppose one could argue that part of the cause of the anarchy that exists in some schools, neighborhoods, and homes is the "culture of entitlement" that you speak of, or perhaps for others, the "culture of permissiveness" and there might be some truth to that. On the other hand, those kinds of arguments are kind of esoteric when you think carefully about these problems: Junior is not really mugging people because Junior's mother receives food stamps or Medicaid. Junior is mugging people because Junior's mother is not there, or if she is, does not care, or will not invest the time and energy necessary to guide the kid not to do things like that.

More fundamentally, what these environments lack is adult moral authority. And while a few, mostly white guys, cruising through the area with guns can help provide some moral authority in some of these environments, there is only so much that they can do.

Ultimately somebody has to step in and assume authority if parents can't or won't, or most of these kids will grow up being criminals. Some good folks in the community may volunteer, but obviously that is not enough, because if it was, there would not be a problem, and there is a problem.

So that means we need institutions: churches and community groups, to be sure, but also schools, and the evil officials who you appear to hate. It means, in certain cases, that government can be part of a community's response to addressing failures of moral authority.

Government's role in imposing moral authority where it does not, but should exist, need not necessarily be limited to hitting the kid about the head and neck with a nightstick, and throwing the kid into a cell, either. There are other more creative and effective ways to address these problems.

In my case, a trip downtown in the back of a cruiser helped, but did not resolve my issues, and after my arrest, I still sought out the freedoms that existed in the area by the train tracks.

More effective for me were the words of an old man, who observed my friend and I on the way back to our neighborhood from the tracks one day. My friend was throwing rocks at street-lamps high above the senior center parking lot, as we non-chalalantly strolled through it. The man burst out of the senior center, walked up to us, and said:

"what in the hell is wrong with you boys? Don't you have any respect for anything old?"
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Regular Member
Jul 21, 2008
Alexandria, Virginia, United States
I was addressing in my post the disgusting waving of a cop's bloody shirt to advance the agenda of the gun banners. In fact, even if the Post's wet dream of a total ban on provate handguns became true tomorrow at noon, some cop would face a bad guy's gun by half-past one. "when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns" is not just a slogan, it is pure truth.

As to when i became a "conservative", it began when I first saw the FICA bite out of my pay. (And let me tell you, my dad was pretty damn smart, but he gave me possibly the worst financial advice I have ever recieved. He told me to claim "zero deductions" on my W2 form in order to get a "Big windfall" in my refund.

(Windfall? Dad, if you're reading this from Heaven right now, I hope God has told you how dopey that advice was.)

Dad believed that the government always acted in our best interests. He believed that we voted every two years, and then saluted and followed until the next election. I was of the opinion that if some politician was screwing up, you got right in his face and called him a jackass. (Democrats always took that as a compliment.) But I have always taken to heart that "To secure (our) Rights, Governments are instituted among men...."

To secure our rights, mind you. NOT to kiss our boo-boos. Not to make sure we have a roof over our heads. Not to make sure we stay healthy. To secure our riights.

I am of the mind that the only thing any human being is "entitled" to is a kick in the a$$. One of my favorite quotes on this subject comes from none other than noted Limey homosexual Quentin Crisp, who said:

"If we all got what we deserve, we'd all starve to death. Waking up in the morning is a gift. Anything beyond that is a bonus."

Then, sometime around 1988, I was noodling for a radio station and came across a man who was both hilarious and irrefutably right.

His name was Rush Limbaugh. I have listened to the Conservative Voice of Freedom ever since. You do know where 630 is on your AM dial, right?


The Donkey

New member
Sep 21, 2006
Northern Virginia
PS: OLD hippie? OLD??? HOW OLD ARE YOU?:cuss::cuss::cuss: :)D)

What I wanted to say was:


So I went to your website to try to figure out just how old you are, and could not do it.

All I can say about that is that our hair-lines are about in the same place.

Most people think that I am younger than I am, but that may be -- in part --because I do not visit the barber often enough. I also like to think that it may have something to do with this: according to a young lady at a party I was at last night, I have "beautiful skin."

I wished that I had a digital recorder on at that moment so that I could record what she said, and then replay it later for my wife.

I should have asked her to write it down.
