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MSP Advisory on Short-Barreled Shotguns Rifles


Activist Member
Jul 2, 2010
Alexandria, VA at www.NoVA-MDSelfDefense.com
The Maryland State Police Licensing Division has just distributed Advisory LD-FRS-14-002 - Revised concerning the regulation of short-barreled shotguns and rifles. The advisory defines SBRs and SBSs, and addresses possession of SBRs and SBSs and copycat weapons, Transport and Transfer of same. See Attached.

View attachment 5-2-14++LD-FRS-14-002+-+REVISED+-+Short+Barreled+Shotguns+and+Short+Barreled+Rifles+(1).pdf

Take due notice thereof and govern yourself accordingly.

Jim Landerkin
NoVA-MD Self Defense, LLC


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust

Thanks you masta for letin me knows whats guns I gan gets ....

Within the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, the Handgun Roster Board was created in 1988 (Chapter 533, Acts of 1988). In 1995, the Board became part of the Department of State Police (Chapter 3, Acts of 1995).

In Maryland, it is illegal to sell or offer for sale a handgun manufactured after January 1, 1985, that is not on the Handgun Roster. The Board compiles, maintains, and publishes the Handgun Roster, which lists those handguns which may be offered for sale in Maryland since January 1, 1985. Annually, the Handgun Roster is published in the Maryland Register.

Ten of the Board's eleven members are appointed to four-year terms by the Governor with Senate advice and consent. They are required to be Maryland residents. The Secretary of State Police serves as chair (Code Public Safety Article, secs. 5-404 through 5-406).

Does anyone actually pay attention to this garbage?
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