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My New Serpa Level 3 Holster


Lone Star Veteran
Nov 11, 2007
Austin, TX
imported post

Hey guys. Recently got my Blackhawk Serpa level 3 retention holster for my Glock 23. I love this thing! Talk about insane retention, there is no way a BG is getting my gun from me. I've had my friends try to take the gun from me while I just stand there AFTER I explain how it works to them and they still can't take it.


Here's a video I made of it working so you can get a better idea if you're unfamiliar with the level 3 retention of Serpa.



Regular Member
Aug 24, 2007
Mulligan's Valley
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Nice video, and definitely a fast draw. Impressive to say the least.

I already have a Safariland, but if those work as well as it looks like they do, I might have to get one at some point.


Regular Member
Oct 25, 2007
Goodyear, AZ, ,
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Dustin wrote:
I think all OC.ers should have a Level 3 :)

Retention is our friend ....
Is that even possible for a 1911 in Condition One? I haven't seen any Level 3 holsters for 1911s in my search.


Regular Member
Aug 24, 2007
Mulligan's Valley
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AZRaptor wrote:
Is that even possible for a 1911 in Condition One? I haven't seen any Level 3 holsters for 1911s in my search.
I suspect a Safariland will work, because my Sig will fit in my Safariland holster with the hammer back.


Regular Member
Oct 25, 2007
Goodyear, AZ, ,
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I went and looked at Safariland again and I did see the 6360/6365 holsters are Level III and have models for the Colt 1911 Government models. I actually had a 6280 for my Beretta 92FS but I didn't care for the SLS hood much. I suppose it may have become less of an issue with more practice.

On thing I noticed is the Safariland is designed for 2"+ duty belts which I'm obviously not wearing which can provide a lot of room for the holster to slide up and down.

Perhaps the Level II version of this Blackhawk would be enough for my needs. Hmmm...


Regular Member
May 28, 2008
Lake Charles Area, Louisiana, USA
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AZRaptor wrote:
Perhaps the Level II version of this Blackhawk would be enough for my needs. Hmmm...

Of course it could, just not as much retention value.

It's not as if BG's grabbing OC.ers guns is really that prominent, but that's not how we live our lives. We live prepared as if it is GOING to happen, so having a Level 3 is the best choice we can make. I use a Level II for hunting, fishing, outdoors, range type stuff.

Everyday Life within the city = Level III IMO.


Regular Member
Aug 24, 2007
Mulligan's Valley
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The Safariland hood is nice for retention, and even nicer for retention with the add on sentry, but it does have its downsides. Even with practice, it just isn't as fast as a Serpa, and with the Sentry, it's even slower.

On the plus side, I've found that mine works just fine with smaller belts. The curved way it's designed keeps it pretty secure to the users hip.

Cops who use Safarilands, any time they potentially expect trouble will have the hood down, and often their hand on the grip. In the fully locked down position they are roughly half a second slower than a Serpa, but with situational awareness and plenty of practice, they seem to work pretty well. If they were so slow that they cost lives all the time, the basic Safariland system wouldn't be so hugely popular among police and security guards.


Lone Star Veteran
Nov 11, 2007
Austin, TX
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turbodog wrote:
Just curious, can the button that pops the top be triggered if the whole holster/gun is pushed in against your side?
No, it cannot. The only thing bad I have to say about this holster is that it sits lower on the belt, and it does not fit very close to the body so you have to be careful not to bump it into things walking around and it can be a bit awkward in some vehicles.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2008
Richmond, Virginia, USA
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I carry often with a Serpa Holster and have tried to do as much research as I can. I read an account somewhere (I'll try to find it) where a person at a training facility had trouble releasing the gun from a Serpa holster because some small pebbles got jammed in the mechanism and wouldn't allow the index finger button to depress. They actually had to disassemble the entire holster to release the gun.

I don't plan to roll around in the gravel, so I'm not very concerned about it, but I thought I'd pass this along.


Regular Member
Jul 8, 2008
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
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buster81 wrote:
I carry often with a Serpa Holster and have tried to do as much research as I can. I read an account somewhere (I'll try to find it) where a person at a training facility had trouble releasing the gun from a Serpa holster because some small pebbles got jammed in the mechanism and wouldn't allow the index finger button to depress. They actually had to disassemble the entire holster to release the gun.

I don't plan to roll around in the gravel, so I'm not very concerned about it, but I thought I'd pass this along.
This was an older design, and has been addressed. There used to be a small hole underneath the button, which would allow a pebble to get stuck. This hole no longer exists.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2008
Richmond, Virginia, USA
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JDriver1.8t wrote:
buster81 wrote:
I carry often with a Serpa Holster and have tried to do as much research as I can. I read an account somewhere (I'll try to find it) where a person at a training facility had trouble releasing the gun from a Serpa holster because some small pebbles got jammed in the mechanism and wouldn't allow the index finger button to depress. They actually had to disassemble the entire holster to release the gun.

I don't plan to roll around in the gravel, so I'm not very concerned about it, but I thought I'd pass this along.
This was an older design, and has been addressed. There used to be a small hole underneath the button, which would allow a pebble to get stuck. This hole no longer exists.
Oh good deal. I guess I have the newer version because I don't see a hole. Thanks for the info.


Regular Member
May 28, 2008
Lake Charles Area, Louisiana, USA
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XDFDE45 wrote:
Dustin wrote:
XDFDE45 wrote:
I have the Level 2 CQC for my XD45. I was just on their site and no Level 3 yet for my gun :(.

Safari Land makes Level III for XD's.

Just no Serpa Level III's for XD's.
Thanks for the heads up, will definitely look into that.
Let me know which one you get. And some photo's too :)