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qednick wrote:
HankT wrote:
But a few stories on the big networks would potentially inform millions. It's PR, man. Free advertising.
I know every day is open carry day for many people and
I'm surprised there's people here who don't see the point of this. :banghead:
I'm kind of surprised too. For some reason people seemto prefer garnering
bad press instead of going for
good press. It's the damndest thing.
A National OpenCarry Day is still really a good idea to promote and diffuse the concept of open carry in a national context. To have an annual event, with some excitement and some favorable or even neutral media reporting of OCers across the country would be VERY beneficial.
News media
like stories like that. I think they might pick it up. It's very
info-newsy-provocative--did-you-know-this? stuff. Show a vid of a guy walking down the street OCing in a crowd, then a brief interview....
Kind of like the TV station did for Zach Doty. Only multiplied by XXX.
Free publicity and some measure ofinfluence/control over the message. The OC advocate community has what the media really likes--a good visual and mildly provocative story.
I'm reminded of the National Smokeout effort when it began over 25 years ago. That could be a model of sorts.
It would likely produce some favorable press if doneright.