Regular Member
This is from http://www.ncdoj.com/getdoc/32344299-a2a7-4ae5-99fd-9018262f64ac/2007-NC-Firearms-gun-Laws.aspx
, though it only specifies concealed.
7. Even with a permit, you may not carry a concealed handgun in the following areas:
a. Any law enforcement or correctional facility;
b. Any space occupied by state or federal employees;
So would this include Federal Parks in NC? A Park is a "space"...
Is "Space" defined as a building only, or ANY "space"?
And is "occupied" defined as "being inside of a building" or is it defined in the military sense of "occupied"?
I OCed at the Wright Brothers National Memorial last month, and spoke with several Park Rangers, and they seemed to be totally cool with it...