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nc wake county sheriff suspends issuing ppp and accepting ccw applications.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
1. Wake County sheriff suspends pistol, concealed-carry permit applications as demand surges

2. Wake County sheriff suspends purchase of pistol permits

memory refresher...
14-402. Sale of certain weapons without permit forbidden.

(a) It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation in this State to sell, give away, or transfer, or to purchase or receive, at any place within this State from any other place within or without the State any pistol unless: (i) a license or permit is first obtained under this Article by the purchaser or receiver from the sheriff of the county in which the purchaser or receiver resides; or (ii) a valid North Carolina concealed handgun permit is held under Article 54B of this Chapter by the purchaser or receiver who must be a resident of the State at the time of the purchase.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
So...the 2A in Norte Cackalacky is subservient to administrative back logs...telling is it not? Seems those political critters in Raleigh ain't no friend of the 2A after all if they continue to let the cited statue to remain on "Dem" there books...

That sheriff and the others need to be tarred and feathers, then run outta town on a rail!!

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
So...the 2A in Norte Cackalacky is subservient to administrative back logs...telling is it not? Seems those political critters in Raleigh ain't no friend of the 2A after all if they continue to let the cited statue to remain on "Dem" there books...

That sheriff and the others need to be tarred and feathers, then run outta town on a rail!!
I wish you would be more forthright when offering your opinion.