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Necros Zombie shoot! Nov 5, 2011


Regular Member
Nov 25, 2010
Spfld, Mo.
I know this isn't exactly cheap by any standards, but read what's involved to see if it's a viable option for you.
Think: pistols, shotguns, combat rifles, machine gun stage, baseball bats, and crow bars!

Date: Nov 5, 2011
Where: Bear Creek in Stockton, Mo
What: 1st Annual Necros Zombie shoot
Cost varies depending on how many stages you want to shoot


You will need to locate the event by Name: Necros, Location: Stockton, Mo, and the Date 11/5. The registration form is at the very bottom. You need to be paid and have that form sent in prior to the match!

Note: Fred that is in charge of the event emailed me today to let me know that the registration form is their standard class form, don't stress over putting employer, firearms background, and the like on the form. He is trying to get that changed to the standard waiver as that's all that he needs.
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Founder's Club Member
Mar 23, 2010
Quarryville, PA
$100.00 is not bad for everything. Sounds like it will be an absolute blast. Good that they are making it a family event. Too bad I don't live in Missouri, otherwise I'd be singing up.


Regular Member
Nov 25, 2010
Spfld, Mo.

The website said you could sign up for everything or you could select a portion. If you'll click in the "Registration" tab on the page you'll see you can limit it to just 2 stages if you'd like. I'd like to think that if you found someone to buddy up to that a shotgun or rifle won't be a problem to come up with. Folks at Bear Creek can be just that friendly and accommodating from time to time.


I hope that helps enough for you to attend, even if you come out just as a spectator.
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Regular Member
Dec 7, 2010
St. Joseph, MO
Well, it sounds really fun. But I'm not sure exactly how safe it can be. I mean, I trust myself to not sweep someone, let alone shoot them, but how can I trust many other strangers with my life? I'm just not sure how they plan on making it so people aren't swinging live guns all over the place...


Regular Member
Mar 12, 2011
Florissant, MO
Well, it sounds really fun. But I'm not sure exactly how safe it can be. I mean, I trust myself to not sweep someone, let alone shoot them, but how can I trust many other strangers with my life? I'm just not sure how they plan on making it so people aren't swinging live guns all over the place...

I can't speak for this event, but in other competitions (IDPA, 3-Gun, etc.) the stages are designed so that the shooter always engages targets while facing away from spectators. And there is always a Safety Officer right with the shooter as they move through the stage to make sure the shooter doesn't accidentally turn towards the spectators. I would assume this event will be run the same way, otherwise this will be their first and last annual event.


Regular Member
Nov 25, 2010
Spfld, Mo.
+1 on Morpheus. BC's range has 4 separate stages with large berms. The folks that are running the range aren't the only ones concerned about safety. Every shooter out there MUST be safety-concious. With IDPA and several other competitions that aspect is exactly why they give you a walkthrough of the stage. It gives you a chance to see where everything is and a chance to think about what you have to do before shooting the stage. Recently, BC has taken the step of printing out and posting a sheet at each stage explaining it.

Does it give the shooter an advantage? Certainly. Does it provide you with natural physiological responses? Only a couple and they are most certainly not genuine to fight-or-flight. Does it help provide more of a safety aspect? Yes it does and you can ask questions if you don't understand the stage.

I cannot say that the Necros shoot will follow the same format because I've not worked with those folks, but I can tell you BC stresses safety and you will quickly be removed for a serious safety violation as well as face a potential life-long ban from their range. (you in the generic sense, not directed at anyone)

I'll contact Fred to see what limitations on firearms will be made. Ie, will they be applying the IDPA rulebook to this shoot.

@ Chakragod - firearms at BC are supposed to remain in the holster AT ALL times unless you head to the Safe Area (w/o ammo) to work with your firearm for ANY reason. IDPA requires that the firearm be visibly shown as empty (no mag, no ammo) to a SO, the slide must be forward, and the trigger must be pulled (certain firearms can be an exception, but typically there is not). Once in the holster it stays there until you're given the command to load said firearm by the SO. Some stages may require reholstering, some may require the firearm be maintained at the ready once loaded. The sweeping of individuals is generally prohibited by the stage set-up, in some cases it may require turning 180 degrees in which the 180 rule applies - do not draw until you're turned.
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Regular Member
Nov 25, 2010
Spfld, Mo.
If anyone needs directions to Bear Creek's facility you can either post up where you'll be coming from or you can PM me that info and I'll get directions back to you, hopefully within 24 hours.


Regular Member
Nov 25, 2010
Spfld, Mo.
Guns allowances, disallowances per Fred for the shoot.

The rules on firearms will be different from IDPA. Essentially any safe, functional weapon can be used. Pistols must be no larger than .45 ACP (to save our steel targets). Race guns, cowboy guns, lasers, - it is all good! Looking forward to seeing you there!

Race guns have been removed from competing, do not bring race guns. (I believe it's on the website now)
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Regular Member
Nov 25, 2010
Spfld, Mo.
Tony, do you need a friend? :D

I already have mine loaned to two buddies for that shoot and I'm certainly not sharing my MSAR, so I'm out on helping. You can pick up a DPMS Oracle for ballpark of $750, $900 or so dressed out.
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Regular Member
Nov 25, 2010
Spfld, Mo.
And trading to get into an AR isn't always a viable option. I'm reminded of a phrase I hear quite often when I trade at some shops: I need $50 on the back side of the deal.

If you can buddy up to someone that might help. I'll try to get a round count on the rifle to see how folks can help one another participate with a buddy-system if that will help some folks. After all, if it's going to be one stage and say 20 rounds for the rifle (not saying it is) then it would be easy to buddy up. If it's going to be every stage that makes things difficult.


Regular Member
Dec 7, 2010
St. Joseph, MO
I think I misunderstood the first time I read it lol. I was envisioning teams of people going out and shooting, not like a competition. My mistake =P

The wife and I might go, but I only have the ol Hi-Point and no carbine, so I'll probably be a spectator. I would like to fire some things at the exotic weapon station lol.


Accomplished Advocate
Apr 8, 2010
, ,
Makes me wish I had an AR for this. :(


I would not have a huge problem loaning you mine for this event however I do not think it is going to suit it too well. With a 26" stainless bull barrel and a round shroud it is really unbalanced and front heavy not to mention heavy in general. It is not the end of the world heavy but without a rest, your forearm is going to be burning after a couple of shots, its just not for that type of shooting.


Call me if you want to lug it around.


New member
Oct 25, 2011
Bring enough gun..

I prefer to bring enough gun for my zombies!! You all may prefer AR's, but I want to make sure my zombies go down!! :D
That being said I like ARs but don't have one ATM. I'm not familiar with the range or 3 gun limitations (I know its run what you brung), but I wonder if my scoped M1A would be too much for the range? What approx. ranges are the rifle targets?