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Need someone to head up Texas movement


Lone Star Veteran
Nov 11, 2007
Austin, TX
imported post

Hey guys,

I moved to Colorado a month ago so I can't really do much for Texas up here.

I need someone to take over the OC petition that I started that's at almost 62,000 signatures and to also head up the front for the legislature. I'd prefer someone that lives in or near Austin so that you can meet with legislators when they're in session. I would also prefer someone that's been around OCDO for a while.


Site Co-Founder
May 13, 2006
Fairfax County, Virginia, USA
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Ian wrote:
Hey guys,

I moved to Colorado a month ago so I can't really do much for Texas up here.

I need someone to take over the OC petition that I started that's at almost 62,000 signatures and to also head up the front for the legislature. I'd prefer someone that lives in or near Austin so that you can meet with legislators when they're in session. I would also prefer someone that's been around OCDO for a while.
Thanks Ian for offering to handoff control of the petition effort and your informal leadership in the Texas OC Work Group - I am going to email the other work group members.

I have a couple of ideas still up my sleave :)


Accomplished Advocate
May 8, 2006
Bedford, Texas, USA
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If I can get my family affairs in order by the beginning of next year, i'll consider taking over for Ian, however, I do not want to do so if others would be willing to consider it also.

Being 'vice chair' did not entail a whole lot of time but that didn't deter me from doing all I could personally. I burned out a little bit here and there because it's alot of work.

The session meets again in 2011, after the 2010 election. We need to approach things from a political standpoint for that runup, i.e. who will support our objective and if noboy is willing to, who we can run against them.

TSRA has indicated that they will be unwilling to help us, that is unless a sizable portion of their membership wish to pursue this. Some of the problems we are going to face if a working relationship can be attained is bad feelings between our two groups. It was brought to my attention, several times, that some state reps and senators had been 'threatened' with their seats for not working with us. This obviously put us on the bad side of TSRA. If people are doing this, I'd ask you to stop. If you won't stop, then don't claim to be working with us. It only hurts our cause further.

Anyone with knowledge of TX politics, feel free to jump in here with your assessment, but it's been relayed to me by several that most state reps now want to do everything they can to ignore and avoid us because of the actions of a few.

I repeat, if you are going to threaten the seats of representatives for not working with us, then run for the seat yourself because of it. Do not further harm our status and objectives.


Regular Member
Jun 23, 2008
Navasota, Texas, USA
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SCOTUS has agreed to consider hearing 2 of the incorporation cases this session. If SCOTUS incorporates 2A, doesn't that mean the fight is pretty much over. It will probably takea law suit after that just to getTexas to change it. They shouldn't have a leg to stand on after incorporation.


Lone Star Veteran
Sep 28, 2008
Aggieland, Texas, USA
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This thread needs to come back to the top and we need some more discussion!
We need to know who is willing to play an active role, and how much of a role they are willing to play!
I am willing to be a 'support' member and will do everything I possibly can, however my work schedule is completely unpredictable and it appears that I am coming into a busy season.
Dennis (rodbender) has been a great asset to us as a liaison with other groups and as an event organizer!
Duane (DKSuddeth) has done a lot of work up in the D/FW area promoting OC on the news and in the community.
Do we happen to have any attorneys or the like in the group (or one of the other groups) willing to help keep us in line?
What other roles do we need to fill as 'official' positions?
Dennis & Duane, are you willing to take the reigns of 'official' Event Organizer/Liaison & Promoter? And does anybody have any objections to these nominations?

Furthermore, How can we go about joining forces amicably and effectively with other groups willing to promote the same goals?

All TACTFUL suggestions/discussion welcomed!


Regular Member
Jun 23, 2008
Navasota, Texas, USA
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My work schedule is unpredictable as well. I can play a role, but I really don't think that I could be a leader because of my work schedule. From week to week, I don't know what I'll be doing nor do I know what hoursI'll be working. I would have to plan things as close as a few days ahead and don't think that I would be very viable as a leader of this group. Sorry, guys.

EDIT: I am usually off on weekends, but it is no guarantee.

Rush Creek

Regular Member
Sep 17, 2009
Arlington, Texas, USA
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I would like to contribute to the effort in Texas to legalize open carry - To whatever extent I can be of help. Education seems to be the direction ahead.Starting with the CHL training industry - maybe. Folks who have not had the opportunity to experience the free exercise of open carryare understandably a bit uncomfortable with the concept.

I had the opportunity after 40 plus years in Texas to spend 3 years in Colorado where freedom is valued more highly than regulation, tax revenues, and fees. I had some experience in OC condition, and I am convinced Texans are ready to experience freedom too. Concealed carry and open carry are not mutually exclusive. They SHOULD BE options - depending upon the situation, orlocation.

BTW - I'm formerly "Sand Creek" from Colorado Springs .


Regular Member
Sep 15, 2009
, ,
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I'm not sure how much help I can be but let me know what needs to get done.I'll write letters till my fingers fall off or my keyboard catches on fire.Whichever comes first.

I live in the Corpus Christi area if that helps.I can be the contact guy down this way if need be.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Midland, Texas, USA
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Just a old man out here in Midland but I signed the petition and sent it to a 1/2 dozen friends. Keep up the good work, I'd like to see OC legal and I think the CHL the way it is is discriminatory to the poor. It cost me about $300 total to get one and probably won't actually get it until February. That's just not right.