1) What would you like to see in a new indoor range?
Plenty of shooting stations.
Reliable equipment.
Good lighting throughout the whole range - no dark spots.
Temperature control, so it's not hot in the summer & cold in the winter.
The ability to bring the target however close I want. (No minimum distance.)
Staff people who are friendly & knowledgable.
Places in the lobby to sit & chat or clean a pistol.
Yearly membership at a reasonable rate. (Renting hourly gets expensive real fast.)
A long airlock, so it's easy to get more than one person at a time in or out.
An easily accessible emergency "STOP SHOOTING NOW!!" alarm that anyone can set off - make loud buzzers & flashers go off throughout the store.
The ability (space & permission) to stand, sit, or lie down to shoot.
Ditto for things like drawing & firing, rapid fire, double tap, & other advanced moves.
(IDK, maybe have some way to sign people off that they've been checked out as being safe on those?? Or have a beginning range & an advanced area? Just thinking out loud, so to speak.)
The ability to use whatever ammo I want - have a backstop that's reliable, instead of one that needs to be pampered by feeding it only certain types of bullets.
Perhaps a separate range that's dedicated to IDPA-type setups, where a shooter can move through the room, things to hide behind, targets that move.
Sound control. The difference between Fletcher's in Waukesha & the Deerfield range is astonishing, both inside the range & standing outside observing.
2) What do you dislike about the current indoor range you use?
Loud, both in the range & in the store/lobby.
No temp control - uses outdoor air.
Minimum distance of 10 yards.
Doesn't allow any Russian ammo (bimetal bullets).
Not evenly lit - some parts are fine, others rather dim.
Only allows employees to carry.
3) How far do you have to travel to find an indoor range?
The closest to me is under 5 miles.
Next closest is about 8.
I usually go to the one that's about 15 miles away because I like the people & the whole feeling of that shop. (And even when I was just learning, they never treated me badly or talked down to me.)
Just in the last few weeks I found a nice outdoor range in Berlin that has a yearly membership. That's a 90-minute drive for me, but even with the cost of gas round-trip if I'm there more than an hour I come out ahead compared to going to the 15-miles-away indoor range, because of their hourly range fee.