Helluva nice guy. I made it there and got to talk with him for almost an hour before I had to run to another job on the other side of town. He is very pro-gun; I don't think a candidate could be more pro-gun. He is expecting an A+ rating from the NRA. He said his view of the 2nd Amendment was that you 'walk into a gun shop, buy a gun, put it in your pocket, and leave.'
He is on record as 'hating the blue card' program. If elected, he will work with the county commission to drop the program, and reserves the power to defund the enforcement if they don't. I expect the commission would drop the program without the fight to keep it from the current regime anyway.
He did ask if we ever get issues with our open carry, and he is not an open carrier. But he does carry. His ignorance about open carry is probably because his CCW permits were taught by Discount Firearms and The Gun Store, and he is a regular listener of Bob Irwin's radio show. He does acknowledge that Irwin is a Gillespie fan, so he does have his reservations about him.
He also doesn't care about the police union. He won't let them influence his decisions, nor would he have an official paid liaison to deal with them. That would be good for us, of course, but I don't know how good that will be for him!
He is very vocal about police abuse, corruption, and officer-involved shootings.
He is not a cop, unlike most of the candidates. He says we haven't had a sheriff since the 30's who wasn't a prior cop.
He says his debates are on YouTube, but I've not had the time to look them up yet. Seems most of them have been very limited-time formats so far, though he has good anecdotes from several.
He acknowledges that Lombardo is untouchable through the primaries, and that Moody and Burns are the top competition to beat for the second spot in the general election. He respects Burns as a nice guy.
And I got to meet the very lovely Jeannette. Y'all missed out.