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News anchor rips Brady spokesman over Indiana lifetime permits


Regular Member
May 21, 2006
Olympia, WA
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MSNBC news anchor Tucker Carlson had a segment on the change to Indiana's law which changed the length of the license to last a lifetime. He invited a woman from the Brady Campaignto his show to discuss the change to the law. The spokeswoman obvious position was to oppose the law.

The Brady woman tried to convince viewers that individuals with handgun licenses were MORE likely to commit crimes than non-licensees and wanted to talk about Texas. Tucker repeatedly asked her how many licensees in Indiana had been arrested and charged with crimes. The Brady woman did not know the answer and kept talking about other things. Tucker raked her over the coals for coming on his show to discuss the law, without having done her basic research.

He then raked her over the coals for having a knee-jerk reaction to opposing the law, and the Brady Campaigns efforts to harass LAWFUL gun owners.


Regular Member
Jun 14, 2006
Alexandria, Virginia, ,
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That's great. Now, if we could get that kind of reaction on a channel that is watched more than MSNBC, that would be something! Also, Carlson is a known conservative as he always took the conservative position on crossfire. Nevertheless, this kind of exposure of the Brady Bunch is always appreciated!! Thanks for sharing.


Accomplished Advocate
May 8, 2006
Bedford, Texas, USA
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44Brent wrote:
The Brady woman tried to convince viewers that individuals with handgun licenses were MORE likely to commit crimes than non-licensees and wanted to talk about Texas.
Irks me. The Texas info has been debunked and reclarified so many times yet the Bunch STILL use that misinformation publicly.:cuss:


Site Co-Founder
May 13, 2006
Fairfax County, Virginia, USA
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At http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060706/NEWS02/607060478/1006/NEWS01you can see another article in which anti-gunner Peter Hamm makes a completely innacuate analogy:


But Peter Hamm, communications director for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, called the law "ludicrous."

"I would presume the state legislature is going to do the same with driver's licenses and business licenses, because there is no reason anybody should have to go through the hassle of being checked out every four years," he said.
The new law makes Indiana the first state to offer lifetime licenses to carry a handgun, Hamm said.
Uh, hello! Drivers Licenses ARE pretty much lifetime licenses - only a few states actually make folks come in for even eye checks at renewals! The just want your renewall money online and they mail you new DLs with the old photo.

VA is moving to lifetime permits in 2007 - I think that this scares the antis b/c it is going to get easier to stay armed across the US.

The funny thing about Indiana is that it is one of the few states which requires a license to open carry - most states allows at least some open carry without a license!

Big Gay Al

Michigan Moderator
Aug 27, 2006
Mason, Michigan, USA
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Mike wrote:
The funny thing about Indiana is that it is one of the few states which requires a license to open carry - most states allows at least some open carry without a license!
Except of course for Illinois, which allows no carry at all, except on your own property. :( Glad I don't live there any more.


Regular Member
Jul 25, 2006
Springfield by way of Chicago, Virginia, USA
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Big Gay Al wrote:
Mike wrote:
The funny thing about Indiana is that it is one of the few states which requires a license to open carry - most states allows at least some open carry without a license!
Except of course for Illinois, which allows no carry at all, except on your own property. :( Glad I don't live there any more.

Big Gay Al,

Can you open carry on your own property in Chicago, Illinois?

2nd Amendment........Use it...........Or, lose it!!:X

Big Gay Al

Michigan Moderator
Aug 27, 2006
Mason, Michigan, USA
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Smurfologist wrote:
Big Gay Al wrote:
Mike wrote:
The funny thing about Indiana is that it is one of the few states which requires a license to open carry - most states allows at least some open carry without a license!
Except of course for Illinois, which allows no carry at all, except on your own property. :( Glad I don't live there any more.

Big Gay Al,

Can you open carry on your own property in Chicago, Illinois?

2nd Amendment........Use it...........Or, lose it!!:X
Legally, you should be able to, but I would not recommend it. Not in a paranoid town like that.


Site Co-Founder
May 13, 2006
Fairfax County, Virginia, USA
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Al - it appears that no state law prohibits open carry in Illinoise outside cities and towns - sort of like CA.

This was discussed in another thread.

Big Gay Al

Michigan Moderator
Aug 27, 2006
Mason, Michigan, USA
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Yeah, but do you have ANY idea how far you'd have to drive, if you live in Chicago, to find a place where you could carry openly? Chicago is surrounded by cities, towns and villages for at least 60 miles in any direction. And that's a conservative estimate.

Besides which, to the best of my knowledge, it just isn't done in Illinois, so much that most people don't think it is possible.

One of the many reasons I left PRI.


Regular Member
May 26, 2006
, Tennessee, USA
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I'm glad that IN now has lifetime permits. My question for Al or anybody is "How would anybody go about carrying when Chicago and many of the surrounding cities completely prohibit handgun ownership ?


Big Gay Al

Michigan Moderator
Aug 27, 2006
Mason, Michigan, USA
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ProguninTN wrote:
I'm glad that IN now has lifetime permits. My question for Al or anybody is "How would anybody go about carrying when Chicago and many of the surrounding cities completely prohibit handgun ownership ?

Actually, Chicago prohibits handgun ownership by fiat. They just refuse to register anymore handguns, and Chicago ordinance says you HAVE to register your handguns. So far as I know, they only register handguns for police and security officers, and of course, the City council persons who, also by Chicago ordinance, can carry concealed.

But to answer your basic question, the ONLY way you can carry in that area, if you're not one of the "elite class of people" is to carry concealed, and that means carrying illegally. Also known as Unlawful Use of a Weapon, or UUW. Something I don't recommend, but also something I did for about 5 years while I lived in the area. I lived in Mount Prospect, one of the many suburbs that does NOT prohibit handgun ownership. At least not while I was there.

Big Gay Al

Michigan Moderator
Aug 27, 2006
Mason, Michigan, USA
imported post

I need to add, back when I did it, the first offense was a misdemeanor, and the 2nd offense was a felony. Now the first offense is a felony charge! The upped the anty for those who want to break the law to protect themselves.

Thank the good Lord, Michigan is a Shall Issue state!