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Norfolk area gun owners needed 10/2/13 to hold signs at ODU pre - VA Lt. Gov debate


Founder's Club Member - Moderator
Mar 8, 2008
Loudoun County - Dulles Airport, Virginia, USA
There is a debate between the Lt. Governor candidates, pro-liberty E.W. Jackson and anti-liberty Sen. Ralph Northam, THIS Wednesday, October 2nd.

We need gun owners to show up and hold signs that I am bringing down. The antis will be there with their signs, too, and we need to counter them!

You can also bring your own signs, of course.

We will be outside the ODU buildings, so carry is OK.

The debate is at:

Old Dominion University
Diehn Fine & Performing Arts Center
Corner of 49th & Elkhorn Ave.
(Use parking garage at Elkhorn and 43rd)

Time: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM.

If you can help out, please reply to president@vcdl.org and let me know.