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NoVA (Northern Virginia) - OC reports


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
Another positive encounter today.

I was having a quick snack and waiting for fresh coffee to finish brewing at a 7-Eleven in Springfield.

Fella walks up to the coffee counter and gets started adding the fixin's to his coffee. After a few seconds he asks me whether my sidearm is job related. I tell him, "No. Self-defense." He gave anagreeable acknowledgement. It wasn't immediately obvious, but after a bit, it became discernable that he was a 2A supporter.We chatted for a bit. It turned out he had attended the Bloomberg Gun Give-away. It was a pleasant conversation over all. His wife was waiting for him in the car, so we had to cut it short.
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Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
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Good times. First time I've carried in Landmark Mall since they took down their signs, and first time I've carried the honking 1911 instead of my little .380.

Can't even recount the number of :what:. Lots of pointed fingers - but intriguingly ALL among the patrons and NONE among the employees.


Regular Member
Nov 27, 2006
Mag-bayonettes!, Virginia, USA
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Delicious Chinese place up there on the food court level. I don't like going there because it's quite depressing, there's never anybody in any of the stores, and I can count on my fingers how many people are walking through the mall at any one time. > )


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
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I have to share another one in which I didn't handle myself as I wish I had.

The night of the last NoVA OCDO picnic get-together, stopped in a 7-11 near Ft Belvoir for milk. I've OCd there many times, and CCd as well. Never an issue.

There were two clerks. One, nearer the door, was assisting a woman with two small girls in tow. The other rang up my milk, we exchanged pleasantries as always, and I turned to leave.

Just as I exited the door, I heard one of the little girls say "She's got a gun!" I was mid-stride, and not thinking fast enough to stop, smile, and say something like "Yes, sweetie, I do." I got in to the car, parked right outside the door, and made eye contact with the clerks, the mother, and the little girls, smiling all the while. I needed to show this was not an issue. I saw the mother bend down to talk to the girls, but don't have any idea what kind of discussion went on in the store after I left.

I just wonder - it could have gone several different ways had I stopped to talk. I hope I didn't make things worse by leaving.


Regular Member
Jan 16, 2007
Alexandria, Virginia, United States
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Tess wrote:
Good times. First time I've carried in Landmark Mall since they took down their signs, and first time I've carried the honking 1911 instead of my little .380.

Can't even recount the number of :what:. Lots of pointed fingers - but intriguingly ALL among the patrons and NONE among the employees.
Since when did Landmark take its signs down?:what: I hadn't heard about that!


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
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Seems it was a year or more ago. I wouldn't have known, but someone posted on here that he had carried there, and I mentioned the signs. I was quickly corrected that the signs had been removed. Don't know the specifics.

I agree with unrequited, though. I used to live directly across the street from the mall, and still didn't go there. It always reminded me of a strip mall in a depressed area, just covered.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
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Tess wrote:
SNIP I was mid-stride, and not thinking fast enough to ...
I think we all have something like this occur. Certainly, I've been caught "off guard" a couple of times--call it Activism Condition White.

After the last, I started being deliberate about transitioning to OC, including reminding myself to activate the voice-recorder at the first sign of a worried look, antagonistic look, or police uniform. I usually run through a few pat phrases and answers just to get my mind into gear on the activism angle.


Regular Member
Jun 8, 2007
Shenandoah Valley, Virginia
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I guess Winchester counts as NoVA?

Went with a friend to buy an Xbox in a private sale.

Packed a small TV, a power inverter, and extension cord, and of course, my XD. :cool: :lol:

No problems since we were in the car pretty much the whole time. No problems sitting in the Shoney's partking lot, either.

I think it took the seller and his son a couple of minutes to notice, as he started getting a bit antsy. He calmed down a bit after I tested the Xbox (that's what the inverter and extension cord were for), and pulled out $200 to hand to the buyer. Not a word otherwise, though. :lol:


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
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8/20 - Baskin Robbins, 8405 Richmond Highway. Four of us, 2 armed. A :what: from a couple who came in after us; no issues.

8/21 - Total Wine and More - 6801 Bland St., Springfield. No reaction at all.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
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Fair Oaks Mall after work this afternoon.

Went in to Kay Jewelers, then had coffee at Caribou Coffee, and made some phone calls while there.

No issues. Guess I'll have to do it again; I don't think anyone even noticed. I thought the mobile security patrol would as I left the mall, because he seemed to deliberately drive down the aisle where I was parked, but he never so much as moved his eyes off straight ahead, so I'm certain he didn't notice.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
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Two encounters.

Last week in a 7-Eleven a fella asks for directions. As we step out of the traffic flow in the store, he notices the sidearm. Asks if I'm a cop. I tell him I'm not. "But, you have a gun." In response to my question, he tells me he's from Maryland. I explain about VA open carry. He responded with an indifferent tone, "mmff." Heseemedmore interested in where he needed to go.

Today ina 7-Eleven, as Ifinish paying and step away from the register, the next fella up asks, "Is that thing on your belt for extra bullets?" Friendly, inquisitive tone. Iwasunder a minor deadline and couldn'ttalk. Thus all I could give him was a friendly, interested, "Yes, that is exactly what it is."


Regular Member
May 31, 2007
Concord, New Hampshire, USA
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Kingstowne Cinema in Fairfax: The road was blocked off because of a concert and there were lots of people and lots of cops. My wife and I entered the theatre andthe guy taking our tickets smirked and said "nice gun." My wife went to the restroom and I waited out front.

One of the officers approached me and politely told me that he knew what I was doing was legal, but that if the mgr told me to leave, I'd have to leave. I told him that was fine and asked if there was a policy. He said no policy, but I'd still have to leave since the management would probably tell me to leave. I told him there would be no problems and he reiterated that he had no problems with it. He said he knew there were "open arms" groups in VA and that I was "probably a member" of one and that he knew I was within the law. He asked me if I had a CHP and Isaw no harm in telling him no. Then we courteously parted ways. He didn't ask me for my license or anything:D.That was it.

It was a positive LEO experience :celebrate:celebrate:celebrate. LEO 229 didn't even show up with his tank :p. The Simpsons Movie was pretty good. I'd see it again.


Regular Member
Aug 23, 2007
Fairfax, Virginia, USA
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Over the past month I've begun open carrying as it's just too hot to carry concealed. To reduce any problems that might occur while doing so this far north, legal or otherwise I tend to dress better while doing so.

Over the month I've patronized the following establishments with absolutely no problems or questions raised.

Home Depot
Shoppers Food
Jerry's Subs & Pizza
Noodles & Company

The 7-11 was the only one I felt a little uneasy about, but then, who doesn't feel uneasy going into a 7-11?
It was late at night, I was drowsy and had to go to a movie. I decided to stop in to pick up one of those 5-hour energy drinks. As I pulled up the only available parking spot was right next to a George Mason University patrol car. I shrugged and pulled up. I noticed the officer was sitting in the drivers seat as I turned off my car, got out and went in the store. I should have put two and two together but it hadn't struck me that if all the parking spots were full there would be a lot of people in the 7-11. Got in line behind something like 8 people. Few others roaming the tiny store. Paid, thanked the clerk, told him to have a nice weekend, and exited. The GMU LEO was outside his car infront of the vehicle on the sidewalk, talking into his radio and looking at me as I exited. I glanced at him while I walked to my car, got in and drove off.


Regular Member
Jun 8, 2007
Shenandoah Valley, Virginia
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FWIW, Fox, I've never had a problem carrying in two of the 7-11's down here.

But then again, I'm on my way to work in one of them, and dressed business casual, and the other one, I talk to a couple of the people that work there. Even offered to help push one girl's dead VW Beetle. :lol:

Though personally, if I was told to leave by someone in a store, I'd take everything I'd picked up so far, set it down where I stood, and leave.

Yeah, on the floor. ;)


Regular Member
Aug 23, 2007
Fairfax, Virginia, USA
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Sorry. When I said "Who doesn't feel uneasy going into a 7-11?" I meant "going in period" regardless of whether or not you're carrying. :) Being a popular target with criminals and all.


Founder's Club Member
Feb 18, 2007
Islamabad, Pakistan
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08/24/07 OC'ed at Pancho Villa restaurant on the north side of route 610 (Garrisonville Road) for dinner and then on to Lowe's in the Stafford Marketplace. No problems or raised eyebrows or funny looks from any one.:)


Regular Member
Jun 13, 2006
Woodbridge, Virginia, USA
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Oc'd 2 places yesterday, at Woodbridge Animal Hospital and Charbroil Grille.

At the animal hospital all went well, as it usually does. We took my girlfriends cat to get some shots (poor kitty) and when the assitant came back into the room, she saw my 1911 and said "Oh, a gun carrier?". Of course I non-chalantly said yup. She then said she used to be one too. The first thing that came to my head was "Used to?". She said she still has one she justdoesn't carry much anymore. She used to work security on Ft Belvoir, so the conversation then kind of steered that way. Good encounter though.

At Charbroil Grille, it was a little more interesting. The place was very busy and I knew there would be a lot of eyes on me. For those of you that don't know, they have a buffet so I was right next to people a bit. My girlfriend noticed a group to my 5 o'clock who apparently couldn't keep their eyes off of us. She started making some rather loud comments about how people can be ignorant and how I (meaning myself being the carrier) can't control other people's ignorance or fright. In a way I was proud of her for definitely taking a stand and coming to my defense, even though she doesn't own or carry yet. But I asked her to just keep it down a bit because especially when carrying, you want to be kind and courteous and not give the anti's anything extra to cry about. It's kind of like having a level of professionalism. She got the idea and mellowed out a bit. She was definitely getting irritated with these people.

Then, while all this is going on, we noticed one of the workers (not sure if he was a waiter/manager or what not) talking to our server and they kind of made a motion our way. They split up and our sever started making his way over to our area. At this point my girlfriend noticed and said something like "Uh oh, here we go" to me. I told her don't worry about it 'cause if they kick us out, it won't be our fault and stuff. Well, the server came over, asked us how we were. Of course we said we were good (the food there is awesome by the way, even though it's a little expensive). He definitely wasn't all that slick about taking a look at my side. But, that was it, nothing else said, nothing else noted. So all in all I would say Charbroil Grille is definitely oc friendly.



Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
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Fox wrote:
SNIP When I said "Who doesn't feel uneasy going into a 7-11?" I meant "going in period" regardless of whether or not you're carrying. :) Being a popular target with criminals and all.
I've had a number of opportunities to educate public about 2A and OC in 7-Elevens. Great place for opportunities of this sort.