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Obama hasn't messed witrh my guns


Regular Member
Mar 26, 2008
Tennessee, ,
What credentials does this website have, and is there any proof for all of these claims? I can write [THAT SOMETHING IS A FACT] But that doesn't actually make it true until I support my claim with evidence.

Let's try these on for starters:

os of late, there has been no shortage of Obama gun control quotes. He wants to "protect the rights of hunters" the same way that the hughes amendment did. The second amendment isn't about hunting, just as the first amenmdnet wasn't put there to protect the right to talk about the weather. Both are there to ensure that Americans, if they ever needed to, would have access to the tools they need to defend and ensure the survival of their liberty.

On top of that it really doesn't matter what Obama supports...unless he can get the bills passed by the House, and the Senate before it means anything...and something that would be in direct violation of the 2nd amendment would have a HELL of a time making it through the process.

All Federal gun control legislation is in direct violation of the constitution. That includes NFA '32, GCA '68, FOPA '86, the brady bill and the AWB '94. "Shall not be infringed" doesn't mean "shall not be infringed unless.."


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2012
The High Plains of Wyoming
If a politician (or a cop) says he is all for the 2A, I immediately become suspicious. Those who really believe in the Right will usually couch their belief in words that mention people, keeping, bearing, self-defense, carry, own, etc. For example, "Oh yeah, you've got a right to carry that pretty much anywhere. You've got a right to defend yourself." If a government type says that, I know he believes in the Right, not just some words called the 2A.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk.


Actually that is exactly how I have found it to work here in Western Colorado. Twice I have had LEO approach and ask about my OC; both said almost exactly the same thing "That's your right, to defend yourself and I support that". One even went on to say "We need more people to carry, and if I'm ever in trouble I hope you'll give me an assist".

I have lived in some pretty gun friendly areas but Western Colorado has them all beat hands down. Hell even the university here is accepting, the wife is director of the library and one of her employees is having a stalker problem. In a meeting with campus security she told them "Just so you know, I have my concealed carry permit and until this is resolved I will be carrying". Head cop said "You do what you think you have to do".