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The Donkey wrote:
The Constitution permits Presidents to appoint "inferior officers" without Senate confirmation. They have been doingthe "Czar" thingfor a long time.
I realize that Glen Beck uncovered that Obama's now resigned "Green Jobs Czar" had some unsavory beliefs. But jumping from that tosome sort of anti-gunMaoist overthrow conspiracy takes too aerobic an exercise in presidential psychoanalysis.
I didn't mention Mao, you did, but see the Anita Dunn, WHCommunicatons Dir. 6/2009 speech, or theRon Bloom, Obama Mfg. czar,2/2009 speech, Obama's autobiographical book, Obama's "change" speech before his inaugration, his cheek-by-jowl association with SEIU, ACORN, Bill Ayers, the debacle with the National Endowment for the Arts.
Gun control (you must be a member to access, but that's easy, and you should be):
Important Message From NRA Chief Lobbyist Chris W. Cox on Attorney General Holder's Recent Remarks Supporting Reinstatement of the Failed 1994 Gun and Magazine Ban
Joint Statement On Judge Sonia Sotomayor's Nomination To The United States Supreme Court
"From the outset, the National Rifle Association has respected the confirmation process and hoped for mainstream answers to bedrock questions. Unfortunately, Judge Sotomayor’s judicial record and testimony clearly demonstrate a hostile view of the Second Amendment and the fundamental right of self-defense guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution."
And, Sotomayor believes her opinion should be part of her judicial process? That terrifies me.
10/21/2009 - President Obama rallies supporters at a Corzine for Governor Rally in Hackensack, NJ.:
NRA rating for NJ Gov. race, and that's not the only one in question:
As for the Czars:
What Can Obama's Czars Legally Do? -
Questions Raised Over Influence of Obama 'Czars'
Obama's Army of Czars Raises Concerns About Executive Power
Warning: this ends up too much like a rant :banghead:
Some of us believe that Obama is trying to get around confirmation hearings/FBI vetting by appointing 'his people' as czars rather than as agency/department heads. As you can see in the links for the Obama czars, they are being vested with influence in areas of Manufacturing, finance, treasury, etc. and the only control over them is Barrak Obama. Who won't show the long form of his birth certificate. Who won't open his writings from before the election. His billing records from his attorney/activism phase, which might or might not reveal conflicts-of-interest concerning some of his czar appointments.
If there is nothing to hide, then why is he hiding it? It is not as if he didn't realize that as a presidential candidate he would need to disclose all aspects of his life. And yet, the network media did not press him on any of these issues, instead, they were bending over backward to trample Sarah Palin, a vice-presidential candidate and totally irrelevant to Obama's presidential campaign.
I believe that our fundamental Constitutional rights are under attack openly, and secretly, by this administration and most of the Democratic party. I believe that GW Bush damaged portions of our Constitutional rights
temporarily, but I believed that there were extenuating circumstances and 'we the people' would have the opportunity to scale back these
temporary exingencies(?) when they were no longer needed. Much like the Air Marshalls were discontinued after the rash of Cuban hijackings in the 60's and 70's.
This is what warrantless wiretaps were aimed at:
NYC Terror Plot Suspect Zazi Contacted by Al Qaeda's Afghan Head
And for those who are screaming bloody murder over the 'eavesdropping' on Americans, get a grip and understand how that program worked ... COMPUTERS scanned for specific criteria (words, phrases, language) from calls that originated from watch areas (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ajerbaijon<?>, phone numbers, people) and came into the US. Only when something trippeda series offlags, did the call get routed to a digital recorder. After that, a technician scanned the first 20 words or so+ the call data to determine if it would need any further attention. This last part was anywhere from 24 hours after the call, up to a week or more. There are millions of calls made inside the US every day, plus the millions of calls incoming every day, plus the millions of calls outgoing.
A faceless, voiceless, hunk of machinery scanning the phone calls does not concern me as much as the possibility of a dirty bomb, tampering with a food supply (which is a whole nother kettle of fish), deploying weaponized anthrax into a full sports stadium (the movie
Black Sunday ring any bells), or a dozen coordinated truck bombs to isolate, say DC.
The fall of the Iron Curtain did not remove the enemies of the US. They want to drag us down into the gutter with them. I was raised in the 1960's next to a 'first strike target' and in grade school we had fire drills, tornado drills, and Atomic Bomb drills. This has given me a fairly unique perspective on how safe we are as Americans. In 1966,in first grade,there were4 bomb threats in the high school next door which caused our building to be evacuated each dayalso. I watched the news crew filming the high school building from our vantage point, where one of my parents worked.I had a cousin that disappeared in Tiajuanna in 1972 who has never been heard from since his arrest and incarceration in the local jail, after the US Embassy representative talked to him one week after his arrest. You see, the family couldn't come up with the $75,000.00 'release fee' fast enough. I had to spend 72 agonizing hours when I was 14 years old waiting for word on whether my parents were going to be killed or were going to be released from a hijacked jet in Dallas in 1974. The next year, my mother, me and my sister were stalked by a former student for 4 months. And there are many other incidents in my life where I did not put myself in harm's way, rather it found me.
I walk 'with attitude' now and have far fewer incidents of victimization. However, Obama does not walk 'with attitude' and that opens the US up for victimization. Enacting stricter gun control is one of the first steps to making American citizens into victims again. Been there, done that, ain't gonna go back!
I believe that if we can get a majority of the states with open carry laws, it will be a lot harder for
anyone to make us into victims again. Right now, there are no network news programs that are concerned with the right to free speech. This is demonstrated by how long it took for them to begin to react to the WH/Foxnews bruhaha. I have always been taught that the only guarantee to free speech is the 2A. It's awfully hard to subjugate someone that can shoot back.
More evidence in assertively maintaining our right to keep and bear arms is demonstrated in the recent socialist activities in Hondouras(?) where Chavez has subjugated the populace and tried to socialize the industries. The International Banking Industry held him off for a short time, and the corporations in control of the oil industry, but in the end, control of the press and communications gave him control of the people.
Another bench mark will be what Obama does with the control of the internet. What do you think our right to free speech will mean when the UN gets control of our internet? If you have noticed, access to the internet is
helpful to protesters in countries like Iran and China, but is heavily restricted in those countries. Moreso than Air America or the BBC, the internet is the beacon for freedom in much of the world.
Yes, I get all but my local news from FoxNews. I don't agree with all they say, but they always give me something to think about, and they try to present advocates to both sides of an issue. This is much more than I was getting from the networks, or MSNBC or CNN.
I don't trust ANY government agency, but I have learned how to deal with them according to the rules they made. I consider it a challenge to 'get what I want' by making them follow their rules! Ya win some, ya lose some.
Rant off: Thanks for listening :lol:
cheers ~~ okboomer