Hi all. Thanks for letting me join. This forum is VERY interesting and INFORMATIVE. I would like to share an Open Carry encounter I experienced a few weeks back. I am a Law Enforcement Officer, out of retirement, to help a small community 20 miles away. After being hired and after my orientation, I was a tcity hall filing some papers. A young man walked in the front door, OC, and went straight in the mayors office. The police chief was with me and called the man by name. I looked quizzically at the chief and he said "What? Louisiana is an open carry state. I said "Yeah, but the mayors office?" He said "He carries, too." I asked the chief is there anything I need to know special about open carry in the local area? The chief looked at the ceiling, tapped his chin a moment, then said "Yeah, make sure they are 17 or older." then walked away.
Two nights later, while fueling up my police cruiser, an elderly man pulled up next to me and started fueling his OLD, battered pickup. He was open carrying what looked like an old, well worn, but neat AND clean, Army Peacemaker, in a leather holster, tied to his leg, and a thong over the hammer. I nodded to him, looked down at his weapon, then back at his eyes and said "Excuse me, sir, I need to ask you a question?" He kinda squinted his eyes, crossed his arms, and with a slight nod of his head said go ahead.
"Are you over seventeen years of age?" I said.
His eyes opened. His mouth dropped open. Then he started laughing, then laughing REAL hard.
He said "Son, You've just made my day. I've got socks older than you." (I'm 62) He is 71.
We talked awhile. He showed me his weapon. It WAS a Colt .45, single shot, that his grand-father had given his daddy, who had given it to him. I didn't tell him it didn't look old enough to have been used in the Civil War, but he said his grandaddy was with Gen. Beauregard. (His grandaddy probably was, but I don't think the pistol was.
We had a nice visit, and he went on his way. Not all LEO are narrow minded. Most younger ones seem to be out to prove something. In 14 years in Louisiana, I have never had to pull my weapon out of it's holster.
PLEASE don't group all LEO into one boot stomping Gestapo group. I hate my ALL black tactical uniform and am trying to see the powers that be that police (Peace) officers do not have to look threatening or menacing to get the job done. But the younger (under 35) seem to want that tactical MEAN look.
So, if you come to my area and I stop you. It's not because I have nothing better to do and just want to hassle you. It's because you have broken one of our rules (regardless of how puny). Besides, if you think I like to get out of my Air Conditioned car, into this Louisiana summer sun, in this awful BLACK uniform, you got another think coming.
Y'all be cool, now, and come visit.
Two nights later, while fueling up my police cruiser, an elderly man pulled up next to me and started fueling his OLD, battered pickup. He was open carrying what looked like an old, well worn, but neat AND clean, Army Peacemaker, in a leather holster, tied to his leg, and a thong over the hammer. I nodded to him, looked down at his weapon, then back at his eyes and said "Excuse me, sir, I need to ask you a question?" He kinda squinted his eyes, crossed his arms, and with a slight nod of his head said go ahead.
"Are you over seventeen years of age?" I said.
His eyes opened. His mouth dropped open. Then he started laughing, then laughing REAL hard.
He said "Son, You've just made my day. I've got socks older than you." (I'm 62) He is 71.
We talked awhile. He showed me his weapon. It WAS a Colt .45, single shot, that his grand-father had given his daddy, who had given it to him. I didn't tell him it didn't look old enough to have been used in the Civil War, but he said his grandaddy was with Gen. Beauregard. (His grandaddy probably was, but I don't think the pistol was.
We had a nice visit, and he went on his way. Not all LEO are narrow minded. Most younger ones seem to be out to prove something. In 14 years in Louisiana, I have never had to pull my weapon out of it's holster.
PLEASE don't group all LEO into one boot stomping Gestapo group. I hate my ALL black tactical uniform and am trying to see the powers that be that police (Peace) officers do not have to look threatening or menacing to get the job done. But the younger (under 35) seem to want that tactical MEAN look.
So, if you come to my area and I stop you. It's not because I have nothing better to do and just want to hassle you. It's because you have broken one of our rules (regardless of how puny). Besides, if you think I like to get out of my Air Conditioned car, into this Louisiana summer sun, in this awful BLACK uniform, you got another think coming.
Y'all be cool, now, and come visit.