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OC in a car


Regular Member
Sep 22, 2007
Enfield, Connecticut, USA
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massltca wrote:
Why does the main page for Massachusetts say oc in a car is not allowed in a vehicle? I am not aware of any law that prohibits this. Please cite.
I am not sure. I know mass has some law saying that the gun must be in immediate of direct possesion of you...i guess open carrying means your passenger could grab it..haha..it makes no sense...i hope CT does not have that because i sometimes have my gun in my glove compartment..which makes it accesible to whoever is riding shotgun....


Regular Member
Oct 31, 2006
Maryville, Tennessee, USA
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Yeah the law does say that to carry a loaded handgun in a vehicle it has to be under your direct control. My instructor said that meant anywhere within reach, but not the center console or glove box. It doesn't specify if you have to conceal it or not. I don't take chances and usually wear it holstered or in a bag on the passenger seat.


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Sep 22, 2008
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In massachusetts a person needs at least a class c restricted license for oc. Welcome to Massachusetts. I hope this helped Mike


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Nov 3, 2008
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i live in worcester,ma i have LTC A i was told by the pd that oc is not a good thing to do Because the chief will pull your LTC


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Nov 6, 2008
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can anyone spell out the law in mass about opencarry/ccw...i do know you need a LTC to possess handgun and you must keep it within controlling distance if not it must be properly locked....but what is the deal on opencarry, should we bare some sort of badge or id that when recognised immediately a person knows your a permit holder and are within your leagal rights to carry protection....when to use it is defined as eminate danger to life.....:cool:


Regular Member
Jul 6, 2008
Mechanicsville, Virginia, USA
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rchap36 wrote:
i live in worcester,ma i have LTC A i was told by the pd that oc is not a good thing to do Because the chief will pull your LTC


IANAL, but the chief has broad use of authority when it comes to LTC. I Used to live in Westfield, now am in Virginia. The chief may not issue to someone he determines unacceptable or just based on his or her political biased. My LTC A in Mass, I had put "Target and Sport" for reason needed LTC. I got my application back after the NICS check and he had crossed it out and put "ALL LAWFUL PURPOSES". All I can say is read...read...read the laws!! Maybe even print out a little pocket guide to carry in your wallet. I just got hooked on this site and OCing since I moved here, I wish I had known of it while I was up there. Hope this helps a little, Keep up the OC fight up there!:cool:


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Jul 21, 2008
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the chief in worcester would ban ALL guns if he could, he WILL use ANY excuse to pull your permit,such as (if it rains for over a minute on a thursday in cairo) it is not against the law to O.C. in worcester, he just doesn't like it and it will cost you money to fight him!


Regular Member
Nov 29, 2007
Rosamond, California, USA
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My Brother in Law is the licensing authority in his jurisdiction in Mass. He would definitely revoke the license of anyone open carrying. He is pretty sure that most of the other licensing authorities would do the same.


Regular Member
Jul 25, 2008
Plymouth, Connecticut, USA
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Please ask your brother in law why he would revoke a permit from someone that was openly carrying. I would be very interested to know the reason and under what statute. Thanks.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Erving, Massachusetts, USA
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Its is legal to OC in MA but as it has been versed to me CC whenever possible so you dont attract uneeded attention to you and the situation. OC in the woods while hiking is one thing, to be walking down Main St at 11pm with all the booze hounds on the street while OC'ing will only piss the PD off and make your rights feel violated as most MA cops have very large egos and love to piss on your wheaties when possible just to show you who's in control.

Words of wisdom "dont attract uneeded attention to yourself unless your looking to get jammed up"...



New member
Jan 10, 2010
Spencer, Massachusetts, USA
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The Open carry laws in ma are a litte confusing it really depends on your town/city, I live spencer and i was told directly from the chief you are allowed open carry in the State of MA, 1. As long as you have a LTC CLASS A LARGE CAPACITY UNRESTICTED 2. IF THE FIREARM IS ON YOU IN A VEHICLE AND YOU HAVE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE FIRE ARM FROM ANY OTHER OCCUPIANTS IN THE VEHICLE 3. LTC CLASS A LARGE CAPACITY YOU CAN CARRY A LOADED FIREARM AS LONG AS ITS CONCEALED AND NOT IN VIEW OF THE PUBLIC. There is no such thing as a class a large capacity concealed its a BS license there is no such thing the chief of the town or city can put a memoto the MA State Police who actually give the final say in wether or not you get a one at allsaying he would like to have a restriction of his/her LTC from a LTC A LC to a LTC B and my finally word is the State of MASSACHUSETTS CAN SUCK MY DING DONG you want better laws as well i do i plain on moving to NH where there are no gunlaws take my advice get out of MA before they band everythig like cellphones


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Jan 14, 2010
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Please ask your brother in law why he would revoke a permit from someone that was openly carrying. I would be very interested to know the reason and under what statute. Thanks.

Then your BIL is in the wrong job. He is supposed to enforce the laws, not make up his own.

Maryland_Shooter from AR15.COM


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Jan 14, 2010
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skippydippy wrote:
can anyone spell out the law in mass about opencarry/ccw...i do know you need a LTC to possess handgun and you must keep it within controlling distance if not it must be properly locked....but what is the deal on opencarry, should we bare some sort of badge or id that when recognised immediately a person knows your a permit holder and are within your leagal rights to carry protection....when to use it is defined as eminate danger to life.....:cool:
He needs to enforce the law, not make them up. Maybe he'd be happier sweeping up peep show boths for min wage.


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Jan 14, 2010
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Decoligny wrote:
My Brother in Law is the licensing authority in his jurisdiction in Mass. He would definitely revoke the license of anyone open carrying. He is pretty sure that most of the other licensing authorities would do the same.
Then you need to make sure it costs him money and the election. He's operating outside the law.


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Jan 14, 2010
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Please ask your brother in law why he would revoke a permit from someone that was openly carrying. I would be very interested to know the reason and under what statute. Thanks.
There are none.


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Jan 18, 2010
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I used to live in MA and have LTC license. I told you that the chief and LEO there make up their own law as they go. if they dislike you they can pull your license by not renew it and make all type of excuse.


New member
Dec 22, 2012
OC Permit issued by a state Judge!

The Open carry laws in ma are a litte confusing it really depends on your town/city, I live spencer and i was told directly from the chief you are allowed open carry in the State of MA, 1. As long as you have a LTC CLASS A LARGE CAPACITY UNRESTICTED 2. IF THE FIREARM IS ON YOU IN A VEHICLE AND YOU HAVE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE FIRE ARM FROM ANY OTHER OCCUPIANTS IN THE VEHICLE 3. LTC CLASS A LARGE CAPACITY YOU CAN CARRY A LOADED FIREARM AS LONG AS ITS CONCEALED AND NOT IN VIEW OF THE PUBLIC. There is no such thing as a class a large capacity concealed its a BS license there is no such thing the chief of the town or city can put a memoto the MA State Police who actually give the final say in wether or not you get a one at allsaying he would like to have a restriction of his/her LTC from a LTC A LC to a LTC B and my finally word is the State of MASSACHUSETTS CAN SUCK MY DING DONG you want better laws as well i do i plain on moving to NH where there are no gunlaws take my advice get out of MA before they band everythig like cellphones

I was denied a renewal once. Reason: Unsuitable character. "You have a right to appeal". I hired a lawyer. At court, the judge stated that I had every reason to posess a licence. Judgement for the plaintiff!
Whenever I go up for renewal, I just show the local PD Chief the court judgement. No problem; out of their hands.
My question is: " Can I now open carry"? If the PD says revoke, due to unsuitable character, I believe he can't since the previous judgement overruled. What do you think? Special case?? I don't know myself. Please reply. Thank you


New member
Feb 1, 2013
The laws about open carry are vague for a reason, it creates confusion and allows police to use disturbing the peace charges against you if they wish. If you are in another town, your COP will be notified and he has the option to find you unsuitable. If you've talked to him before hand on the subject, you'll know where you stand and if he will jam you up or not.

You have valid LTC Class A, I recommend going to the Chief who issues that LTC. If they do not have a problem with OC, then you should have no issues. Unfortunately the way MA laws are, they are pretty much the final say on this, unless as stated in the previous post, you go to court and get that nullified.

I know COP's who have no problem with it, but most are in Central/Western MA. And most will tell you they'd rather you conceal, that's really the "intention" of the license. I'm willing to bet 90% of COP's you talk to will say that, to A) not have to deal with other chiefs who might have a problem with it and B) not have to deal with Sally Soccer Mom seeing your gun and calling them.

In the vehicle, a loaded firearm has to be in "direct control". Again....vague and open to interpretation by law enforcement. But I dont think in a holster on your person can be argued against, that's really the best place to carry it in a vehicle. If you are OC'ing in a vehicle, there are no laws against it......however, Soccer mom sitting in traffic on the side of you looks into your car and sees gun on your hip, calls cops gives your license #. You get pulled over and maybe disturbing the peace is charged...maybe not, this all depends on law enforcement.

Like it or not...in the state of MA, your Constitutional rights are tempered by Law Enforcement.....if you choose to do things lawfully.
But the laws are so vague and open to law enforcement interpretation, that they can essentially jam you up for almost anything.
Some people chose to accept it, some choose not to and just do things illegally and never get caught. Right now they are in the process of creating more laws which will make law abiding people into felons by owning magazines they've legally owned for years and making law abiding gun owners carry insurance, one gun a month limits, no personal transfers, etc...
I will leave if these new laws passes. I'm tired of being a subject to this ********.
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Regular Member
Dec 4, 2010
Central VA
In massachusetts a person needs at least a class c restricted license for oc. Welcome to Massachusetts. I hope this helped Mike

There is no such thing as an LTC-C. An unrestricted Class A allow OC. In a car or not. The problem is while legal, OC doesn't go over well in the eastern part of the state.