Regular Member
I’m in the State College area for a few days, how is the LEO with OC and the state laws. I am from Wisconsin and do have a CCW. So looking for ya’ll advice. Thanks
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PENNSYLVANIA CONSTITUTIONIt would appear to me that he is asking about State College, Pennsylvania. Maybe I’m missing something? While I have been there many years ago, I know nothing of their OC position. I am normally less comfortable open carrying while outside of the boundaries of my home state.
ARTICLE I - SECTION 1 - All men are born equally free and independent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring, possessing and protecting property and reputation, and of pursuing their own happiness.
ARTICLE I - SECTION 21 - The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.
So, what part says the Commonwealth has authority to regulate the bearing of arms in the public??????? It doesn't. As a matter of fact it says the Commonwealth has no power to regulate.
Are you still missing something.
I took “Kentucky” to be a disparaging simile, to be surrounded with ones like bumpkin hillbillies.
There is much progressive disparagement of vulgar conservatism in political discourse recently, calling us hillbillies, bumpkins, and deplorables most notably.
BTB it is good to see you here again. Happy New Year. God Jul
Yeah, I guess I am. I’m missing why someone would think a post in the Pennsylvania sub forum was about a city in Kentucky?
Maybe you are the one missing something? Like my point.
I took “Kentucky” to be a disparaging simile, to be surrounded with ones like bumpkin hillbillies.
There is much progressive disparagement of vulgar conservatism in political discourse recently, calling us hillbillies, bumpkins, and deplorables most notably.
BTB it is good to see you here again. Happy New Year. God Jul