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OC Question


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
Slack off on the bloody coffee mate, it is called "comedy". If you feel insulted, that would be your problem.

You didn't use a smiley, or sacasm note to indicate it was comedy, on the internet there is no way to tell if some bloke is joking or seriuus. By your hateful response it seems you were serious, and YOU have need to slack off the coffee. Other than that ***** ** ** **** *** ****.:rolleyes:
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Lyndsy Simon

Regular Member
Jan 14, 2011
Charlottesville, VA
I use a Serpa Level II CQC paddle holster, plus for added safety I add a large dose of situational awareness. Even without a gun, people need to be more aware of their surroundings. Too many times people have headphones on, and totally engrossed in their electronic gizmo.

I would highly recommend that you swap out the pancake attachment for the belt loop one.

I carried using the pancake for a few days, and found it was a pain to get it off my belt anyhow. I heard online that it was easily broken, and tried it. My wife wore it, and I grabbed the bottom of the holster and pulled - snapped it clean in two at the top, leaving her unarmed and me with her weapon.

I've had no such issues with the belt loop attachment, and I've been carrying it daily for about a year now.