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Regular Member
Jul 21, 2008
Alexandria, Virginia, United States
imported post

When I first joined this forum there was not the flood of talk about stuff that at first glance has no relation to the cause of this organization. But then came the 2008 elections and the Inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama and his ilk are implacable enemies of everything OCDO stands for. But they dare not OPENLY attack the Second Amendment. Accordingly they have woven in opportunities to curtail the RTKBA into every nook and cranny of their agenda. For instance, "Obamacare" which could - and it has been discussed - be used to classify firearms ownership as a "health hazard" justifying potentially prohibitive "premiums" on the insurance we would all be forced to purchase - or go to jail.

It is not just 2A rights at stake here. The federal government now runs two major American auto manufac turers. This is fascism. There is no other word for it. Creeping fascism, run by creeps put into office by desperate, deluded people who for the most part regret it now.

And these creeps fear our weapons. They know damned well why the Second Amendment was put in place and exactly (public pronouncements about the National Guard)to the contrary ) what it means. They also know what "cold dead hands" means, and if it were in their power they would render thse hands cold and dead. But like the Witch of the fairy tale, they don't present the poison as poison; because who would swallow it? So they coat an apple -so to speak - with it, and their syncophants denounce those who point out that the apple is covered in poison as "anti-apple". And hey, apples are good for you! (says them).

So there have been lots of seemingly off-topic threads and lots of threads that have yawed off the direct topic of OCDO. And I can't really find that much fault. We face a more insidious foe than some of us realize. What is at stake here is not just the 2A. What is at stake is everything the 2A was meant to protect.



Regular Member
Aug 27, 2009
Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
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I couldn't agree with your analogy more! More government neverworks...we can only hope the; "desperate, deluded people who for the most part regret it now," realize and correct their mistake in a little less than 3 years.


Regular Member
Dec 24, 2008
Ozaukee Co., Wisconsin, USA
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Is the proposed health care bill available anywhere online? I'd really like to read about this health hazard we're all subjecting ourselves to.


1245A Defender

Regular Member
Jul 7, 2009
north mason county, Washington, USA
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Geoff wrote:
Is the proposed health care bill available anywhere online? I'd really like to read about this health hazard we're all subjecting ourselves to.

the internet web tubes do not have enough band width to transmit the health care bill. they would become clogged with the giant turd. besides nobody in the government has taken the time to read it, why should we? i dont think i could read even 10 pages of that drivel wthout melting my brain, so the other 1990 pages wouldnt matter anyway.


Regular Member
Jul 21, 2008
Alexandria, Virginia, United States
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You know what would be a good idea? The "Althing rule". The Icelandic Parliament used to have a rule that before the annual opening of Parliament, the Speaker was required to recite, from memory, every law passed by the Althing that was currently in effect. The reasoning was that if the folks who imposed the law didn't know or remember what it was, what it said, and whaat it required or prohibited; then they could not reasonably expect the average Joham Ericksson to, either.

Just think: big as the US Code is, plus all the regulations, this would leave them maybe two days to do anything, and they'd probably spend those in a glazed-eyed daze. :celebrate

"The mystery of Government is not how Government works, but how to make it stop" - P. J. O'Rourke, writing in "A Parliament of Whores"


Regular Member
Dec 24, 2008
Ozaukee Co., Wisconsin, USA
imported post

I like that rule. Not even having heard that before, it is a major part of my attempt to throw out a local ordinance. We have to know all the laws because ignorance is not a valid defence. Therfore we need to get rid of any laws that aren't absoultely necesary.


Regular Member
Nov 2, 2009
Columbus, Georgia, United States
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Alexcabbie wrote:

Funny you would choose to quote that since Caesar was killed by men attempting to protect the special privilege of the senators in the corrupt Senate of Rome. Caesar expanded the number of Senate seats and opened elections so the every day citizen could be a representative of the people and not just the wealthy Roman citizens. So whom was Caesar really a tyrant to? The Roman people or the Senators who enjoyed their rank and privilege?

It's funny how someone's a tyrant only when they don't work in your favor.:?


Regular Member
Jul 21, 2008
Alexandria, Virginia, United States
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"SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS" , mah deah suh, is the State Motto of the Commonwealth of Virginia, wherein I reside. Although I am really a damnyankee from outside Dayton, Ohio; I today consider myself a Virginian first; having lived here since late 1974.

As to tyranny, Marlk Levin has authored a landmark treatise on the subject; to wit "Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto" Have you read it?

You are a recent member and I see your screen name suggests you are one of our valiant Infantrymen. If this is the case, thank you for your service to our country, as one vet to another. (I don't mean to be - well - suspicious but anyone can claim to be anything on the Internet)

Nevertheless, I don't buy the "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" argument. The way I see it, if he's my terrorist, he needs to get really, terribly and truly dead. As to tyrants,



Regular Member
Nov 2, 2009
Columbus, Georgia, United States
imported post

Alexcabbie wrote:
"SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS" , mah deah suh, is the State Motto of the Commonwealth of Virginia, wherein I reside. Although I am really a damnyankee from outside Dayton, Ohio; I today consider myself a Virginian first; having lived here since late 1974.

As to tyranny, Marlk Levin has authored a landmark treatise on the subject; to wit "Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto" Have you read it?

You are a recent member and I see your screen name suggests you are one of our valiant Infantrymen. If this is the case, thank you for your service to our country, as one vet to another. (I don't mean to be - well - suspicious but anyone can claim to be anything on the Internet)

Nevertheless, I don't buy the "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" argument. The way I see it, if he's my terrorist, he needs to get really, terribly and truly dead. As to tyrants,

I haven't read that book, but I'll check it out, I'm sure my SGM has it or can get it sent to him by his church group. I am very much so in the service, and I am completely aware of the ease of fraud online (and off for that matter like that douchebag who posed as a marine for 20 years and got caught at his HS reunion)and take no offense.

What I meant to imply by my last post is that I'm careful to jump on a band wagon which makes such serious claims as tyranny, because usually they're motivated by self interest.