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Regular Member
Jul 21, 2008
Alexandria, Virginia, United States
imported post

WELL, FOLKS, BLOOMBERG and his Gestapo agents at least stayed out of Virginia this time, but he sent NY State Police to gun shows in several other states "Posing as buyers who were unqualified to buy firearms". They reported that 75% of the time they tried they were able to obtain a firearm illegally.

Well for me this just begs the question of why (since they were not Federal Marshals, were IN FACT NOT RESIDENTS OF THE STATES THEY WERE IN and hence had neither authority to be conducting investigations there NOR to purchase firearmss there): why they did not immediately contact the State or local cops to arrest them?? What they did was actually just as criminal as if they were a pack of Joisey thugs looking to buy heat. If one of them tried this on his own and got caught he would be arrested. So why aren't the lot of them in the freaking cooler? HUH? :banghead:


Regular Member
Mar 27, 2008
Evanston, Wyoming, USA
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Alexcabbie wrote:
WELL, FOLKS, BLOOMBERG and his Gestapo agents at least stayed out of Virginia this time, but he sent NY State Police to gun shows in several other states "Posing as buyers who were unqualified to buy firearms". They reported that 75% of the time they tried they were able to obtain a firearm illegally.

Well for me this just begs the question of why (since they were not Federal Marshals, were IN FACT NOT RESIDENTS OF THE STATES THEY WERE IN and hence had neither authority to be conducting investigations there NOR to purchase firearmss there): why they did not immediately contact the State or local cops to arrest them?? What they did was actually just as criminal as if they were a pack of Joisey thugs looking to buy heat. If one of them tried this on his own and got caught he would be arrested. So why aren't the lot of them in the freaking cooler? HUH? :banghead:
They didnt report it to the local law enforcementbecause they would have ended up in the joint. Bloomy's agents did indeed commit a crime, they admitted to doing so. That's assuming that they actually happened and Bloomy and his cronies have a record of streatching the truth.And Bloomy's a accessory to those crimes by sending those people out to commit crimes, if they did indeed happen.


Regular Member
Jul 9, 2007
Newport News, Virginia, USA
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it would be great if they got busted in the very act and tossed in the clink by a local sheriff in Virginia. Then the local judge would refuse to allow them to be bailed out, citing a high risk of flight to avoid prosecution.

Then they could be tried, convicted, and put in jail for committing a CRIME. It'll prolly never happen but it should.


Regular Member
Jul 21, 2008
Alexandria, Virginia, United States
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One reason Herr Obergruppenfuehrer Bloomberg did NOT send his henchmen into the Commonwealth of Virginia this time is that he has been very sternly warned that we will not tolerate Noo Yawk meddling in our affairs. There would have been arrests made had they come to Virginia, and they knew it. THIS is how you deal with a bully (and also explains why the left is trying to teach kids to run to "the authorities" instead of dealing out a few punches).

The technque was to approach a private vendor and say "I don't think I could pass the background check". If after that statement they got the firearm, it was a "successful illegal gun buy" I'll bet you dollars to donuts that the rest of the conversation often went "Why not?"/ "oh. O didn't pay a parking ticket and I'm afraid it's on my record" / "OH, Lord. They're not going to deny you for a parking ticket! Just let me see your ID so I can write up a bill of sale and then make a copy. No prob." But that part won't make it onto the videos.

If there is anything funny about this, it is the fact that Bloomberg - in the name of "getting guns out of the hands of criminals" actually SPENT MONEY to create real criminals and then paid and plotted to get guns into their hands.

Come to think about it, that's not funny either. Not one damned bit.