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Ohio man shot to death by officer


Regular Member
Jun 8, 2007
, Ohio, USA
imported post

This happened right in my town, sounds like he was on his own property and someone just called in a man with a gun 911 call. I'm thinking about writing an open forum letter to the local paper in response.



Galion man shot to death by officer
By Kimberly Gasuras
Telegraph-Forum staff

GALION -- A 27-year-old Galion man was shot to death by a veteran Galion Police Department officer Saturday morning.
Police Chief Brian Satterfield identified the dead man as Adam LaPlagia of Galion.

Satterfield said officers were called at 6:07 a.m. to a disturbance involving a man with a gun at 229 South St. Officers confronted LaPlagia and he was fatally shot and killed by one of the responding officers, Satterfield said.

"The Crawford County Sheriff's Office and the Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Identification are investigating the incident. We are not releasing the name of the officer at this time," said Satterfield.
The officer involved in the shooting is an 18-month veteran of the Galion Police Department with a total of 10 years in law enforcement.
Satterfield refused to discuss the circumstances of the shooting, citing the ongoing investigation.


Shooting victim loved music
By Kimberly Gasuras
Telegraph-Forum staff

GALION -- Jake Hill will remember 27-year-old Adam LaPaglia for his love of music.
"He had just bought a $5,000 stereo system that he had been saving up for. He was so excited about it and did not seem depressed at all. He showed the system to me on Friday before I went to work. When I got off work, he was dead, I just can't believe it," Hill said.

Hill learned that his friend had been killed by a Galion Police officer while brandishing a gun early Saturday morning. Rhonda Jenkins' parents lived beside LaPaglia for about a year before he died.

"Adam was in the Army and had been stationed in Iraq. He showed us pictures but did not talk about it much," Jenkins said.
According to Mike Ansbaugh of the Crawford County Veterans Service Commission Office, LaPaglia was honorably discharged from the United States Army on Sept. 2, 2005.
"Adam and his wife, Erica, had been separated for a while. He had two stepchildren, ages 10 and seven. His wife is very upset because she still loved him.
"He was a nice, respectful guy unless he was drinking," Jenkins said.
Pending the outcome of an investigation of the shooting by the Crawford County Sheriff's Office, Crawford County Prosecutor's Office and the Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Identification, it is not known if LaPaglia was under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of his death.
The officer who shot LaPaglia is a 10-year police veteran and has been with the Galion Police Department for 18 months.
"I worked as a police officer and investigator for eight years when I lived in Florida. I knew Adam, but I also know what it's like for a cop. If people's lives are in jeopardy, a cop has to make a quick decision," said Jenkins' brother, Ron Jenkins.
According to Crawford County Sheriff Ron Shawber, the incident is still under investigation and no updates are available.

Pa. Patriot

State Researcher
May 4, 2007
Just a "wannabe" in Mtn. Top, Pennsylvania, USA
imported post

I would hold off on that letter until we know what happened.

I would also strongly suggest you change the title of this thread.
IMHO it is misleading. We do not know the circumstances of the shooting and your title and intro make it sound like someone was gunned down for merely OC'ing. I hope that is not the case.


Regular Member
Jun 29, 2006
Henrico County ,
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Why do you say it "sounds like... someone just called in a man with a gun 911 call". What evidence do you have to support that idea?

There is nothingin either storyabove saying or implying that. We don't know why the police were there.All we know is that the police say he was "brandishing"and thatthe dead man's neighbor said he was "nice ... unless he was drinking".


Accomplished Advocate
May 8, 2006
Bedford, Texas, USA
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hmmm, normally all police departments are gung ho johnny on the spot with pointing out the reasons for justifying a shoot......and usually withold info until 'investigation' is complete if the shoot wasn't justified.

just sayin, it looks mighty iffy to me.


Regular Member
Jun 8, 2007
, Ohio, USA
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SicSemperTyrannis wrote:
Why do you say it "sounds like... someone just called in a man with a gun 911 call". What evidence do you have to support that idea?

"...called at 6:07 a.m. to a disturbance involving a man with a gun..."


Regular Member
Jun 8, 2007
, Ohio, USA
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DKSuddeth wrote:
hmmm, normally all police departments are gung ho johnny on the spot with pointing out the reasons for justifying a shoot......and usually withold info until 'investigation' is complete if the shoot wasn't justified.

just sayin, it looks mighty iffy to me.
My point exactly, usually in a situation like this they would say something like "he pointed the gun at the officer" or "he refused to put the gun down by the officer." The reasoning they say here sounds exactly like what they would say if it was a trigger happy officer shotting someone for not the right reasons and they quickly try to cover it up with an "investigation" that you never end up hearingwhat happened.


Regular Member
Jun 8, 2007
, Ohio, USA
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Pa. Patriot wrote:
I would hold off on that letter until we know what happened.

I would also strongly suggest you change the title of this thread.
IMHO it is misleading. We do not know the circumstances of the shooting and your title and intro make it sound like someone was gunned down for merely OC'ing. I hope that is not the case.

Well, these forums don't allow of thread title changes by their poster's, or could you point me to the right link? I can edit the body but no title.

Like you said I do not know all the circumstances about this particular case but I do know, from living in this area and talking to officers, that this county is ANTI-gun rights and anyone trying toexercise that right in this COUNTY will be harrassed by the LE agency's and excersizeing of rights will be converted into crimes. I talked to the county Sherriff himself about open carry and he just said in a cocky way "try it and see what happens." And his agency is in charge of the investigation! HOGWASH


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
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No offense, but I think you're jumping a bit to conclusions.

The thread title should be changed.

PM the Admin.

Pa. Patriot

State Researcher
May 4, 2007
Just a "wannabe" in Mtn. Top, Pennsylvania, USA
imported post

DKSuddeth wrote:
hmmm, normally all police departments are gung ho johnny on the spot with pointing out the reasons for justifying a shoot......and usually withold info until 'investigation' is complete if the shoot wasn't justified.

just sayin, it looks mighty iffy to me.
I hear ya. It may very well be an unjustified shooting.


It would be jumping to conclusions if we assume it was unjustified because the cop shot a person for just OC'ing. I highly doubt it. Lots of reasons it could be a questionable shoot.


State Researcher
May 25, 2007
, , USA
imported post

It's best to never jump to conclusions. We should not assume the police shot a man for no reason, and we should not assume that the man that was shot was a responsible gun owner and that the police were trigger happy. It's alwayswise to let the real facts come out, and not base our opinions on media "facts". If we believed everything that is on TV, then Bush would have attacked the WTC himself, our troopswould berapists and baby killers, Rosie would simply have an "eating disorder", andParis Hilton would be considered "normal".


Regular Member
Apr 6, 2007
, ,
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The media is just as quick (typically) to go after an officer if enough facts are iffy. Although I don't know how that plays into this particular situation, I have seen it happen in my hometown before (Louisville, KY) where the media jumps the officer's case even in some justified shootings.


Regular Member
Aug 30, 2007
, ,
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Why does the title need to be changed? The man was shot by a police officer and died. Therefor "shot to death". Its stating nothing more than fact.


New member
Mar 26, 2021
This man was shot in the chest & killed by a policeman with his shotgun. My brother & his employee witnessed the whole event. This man was being completely compliant when the officer shot & killed him right on the spot. Adam Lapaglia was an Iraqi War veteran suffering from PTSD. This police officer should be charged for killing this man & the family should compensated a good sum from the town & the county for sweeping this under the rug. My brother & the other witness was never contacted for their testimonies.
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
well, did you possibly think this was a suicide by cop as the man's mental health cycled down in despair following his military discharge and the "sudden" death of his 27 yo brother nine months earlier?

[sudden death, as an euphemism for suicide, thus allowing the decedent's family to bury in a consecrated cemetery!]

police won't reveal that aspect in respect for the family.
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New member
Mar 26, 2021
well, did you possibly think this was a suicide by cop as the man's mental health cycled down in despair following his military discharge and the death of his brother nine months earlier?
He had his hands up over his head & he did nothing to provoke him being shot. There were 2 witnesses who saw the whole thing. This was not a death wish.