While I don't know the answer to your questions for sure. I'm sure he didn't get all he wanted, but the few posts by him didn't sound like he was too disappointed. He also posted a picture of his new truck... Knowing a bit about his attorney, I'm sure he were compensated. When he is citing Monty Python in court briefs, you can kinda tell he has them on the ropes. Yes I'm serious, Ben's attorney Guy Relford quoted and cited Monty Python. IIRC it was The Search for the Holy Grail, if I could find a link to it I'd post it. He is seriously mocking Evensville's attorney. And yes the cities petition was denied. I think it was their 2nd or 3rd appeal for rehearing to the Court of Appeals.
I'm also pretty sure Evensville got some of what they wanted, the NDA for starters and not having to admit being at fault as well. While I may have liked seeing it come down to an open court decision, I do not blame Ben for settling. While the law is pretty cut and dried, there are no guarantees in a trial and he's been dealing with this for about 6 years.