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Open carry event at Ohio State


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
While this was a a rifle carry event, the organizer says he carries his pistol everywhere that he's legally allowed.

I think they did an excellent job of tweaking noses: a group of people of color engaging in what is normally seen as a white people's cause, and pointing out the hypocrisy of differing responses from the campus community.


OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies Department
This is why guns on campus is "frowned" upon.

Skyler Jackim, a sophomore in anthropology and native to Chicago, arrived at the Ohio Stadium parking lot with a sign that read, “My right to life, liberty and happiness beats your right to bear arms.”
Skyler's parents should demand their money back. Skyler does not note the irony in his position/statement.

Liberals...nuff said.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
while the event was minimally attended by 10 students, enrollment 66K+/-, I believe it was a good start and while i understand the concept of this being a 'person of colour' event, I am personally afraid the gesture just further alienates the underlying divide within our society!

This is especially true with the group stating the reason wasn't firearm carry but rather to prove a point over an almost two year olde perception left by an open ltr to the president of the university in the Latern yet failed to cite the reference.
[ https://www.thelantern.com/2016/12/open-letter-to-president-drake-and-ohio-state-administration/ ]

[sidebar when you look at KBCraig's cite, look at the foto in the article and notice the gathered group then look immediately at the right side of the foto and notice the sideboard stating 'porn free'! Now wouldn't a photo journalist have cropped that out or is there a subliminal...nawll reading too much into the lack of journalistic skills!]

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Watching the video it appears there are two pot belly old white guys wandering around. They look out of place for an university campus. Seems odd.


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
While this was a a rifle carry event, the organizer says he carries his pistol everywhere that he's legally allowed.

I think they did an excellent job of tweaking noses: a group of people of color engaging in what is normally seen as a white people's cause, and pointing out the hypocrisy of differing responses from the campus community.

I knew someone would beat me to posting about this event! Nice catch, KBCraig.

Here is some background, by way of what I posted on FascistBook:

>> Ohio's first *ALL-BLACK* campus OC event <<

Well, first you should know that the private FB event "OSU Open Carry Event - BLACKOUT", as it was named by organizers Kendall Arroyo, Princess Kuevor, and Dominic McDonald, was a rousing success!

Although small in terms of the number of participants, it was HUGE in terms of the dialogue generated. It was stunning to see so many students (and some faculty, I think) gathered around and participating in both pro and con dialoguewith each other and the open carriers on OSU's Oval.

Some background: when I started these Walks in 2014 (with the goal of promoting campus carry and dialogue on the subject of guns rights & privileges), they were for the most part composed of white males. Over time that changed and more women attended. It took a couple of years, but Dakota Marvin, Kendall, and his friend Dominic McDonald broke the color barrier in 2016 at the Miami University Walk. (meanwhile, Princess had organized an event at the Statehouse in support of "stand your ground" legislation)

During those two years and afterward, I and others kept hearing or reading comments by anti-gun people/liberals to the effect of "I'll bet a bunch that a bunch of black people couldn't do that!". I got *real* tired of hearing it.

But, as I've also found in conversations with members of the LGBT community, when the subject is the RKBA, there's a LOT of overt and covert discrimination against those who dare to break out of the groupthink boxes constructed by many of those who are allegedly tolerant and "open minded".

I think Kendall became "woke" to the matter also, in part because of his personal experiences on multiple occasions, and partly because of racist opinions like those expressed by some OSU professors in the wake of my December 2016 Walk there.

He ultimately decided to do something about it - co-planning and advertising the event, and even powering through being called an "Uncle Tom" (etc.) by members of a black gun group!

Yesterday's golden achievement was the culmination of his, Princess' and Dominic's efforts.

Here is a link to the 2016 Walk @ OSU and the letter from the professors which was partially responsible for Kendall's decision to do his own mono-color event:

2015 Walk: https://www.facebook.com/events/1247404035357994/

Letter: http://thelantern.com/2016/12/open-letter-to-president-drake-and-ohio-state-administration/


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
while the event was minimally attended by 10 students, enrollment 66K+/-, ...
The event was attended by eight participants, and many more than 10 students took part in conversation with the armed (seven of the eight) participants.

...I believe it was a good start and while i understand the concept of this being a 'person of colour' event, I am personally afraid the gesture just further alienates the underlying divide within our society! ...
While it seems you acknowledge the reason for the event, one can't blame the organizers for an individual's failure to look beyond the "color" part of the event, by, for example, failing to read the article.

The anti-gun professors made the same "connection" by making a false assumption because the prior OSU Walk was composed of all white participants.

...This is especially true with the group stating the reason wasn't firearm carry but rather to prove a point over an almost two year olde perception left by an open ltr to the president of the university in the Latern yet failed to cite the reference. [ https://www.thelantern.com/2016/12/open-letter-to-president-drake-and-ohio-state-administration/ ] ...

The purpose of the event included responding to the professors' letter, but was not limited to that - the purpose was also to promote campus carry and to engage in dialogue about gun rights and privileges.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I knew someone would beat me to posting about this event! Nice catch, KBCraig.

Here is some background, by way of what I posted on FascistBook:

>> Ohio's first *ALL-BLACK* campus OC event <<

Well, first you should know that the private FB event "OSU Open Carry Event - BLACKOUT", as it was named by organizers Kendall Arroyo, Princess Kuevor, and Dominic McDonald, was a rousing success!

Although small in terms of the number of participants, it was HUGE in terms of the dialogue generated. It was stunning to see so many students (and some faculty, I think) gathered around and participating in both pro and con dialoguewith each other and the open carriers on OSU's Oval.

Some background: when I started these Walks in 2014 (with the goal of promoting campus carry and dialogue on the subject of guns rights & privileges), they were for the most part composed of white males. Over time that changed and more women attended. It took a couple of years, but Dakota Marvin, Kendall, and his friend Dominic McDonald broke the color barrier in 2016 at the Miami University Walk. (meanwhile, Princess had organized an event at the Statehouse in support of "stand your ground" legislation)

During those two years and afterward, I and others kept hearing or reading comments by anti-gun people/liberals to the effect of "I'll bet a bunch that a bunch of black people couldn't do that!". I got *real* tired of hearing it.

But, as I've also found in conversations with members of the LGBT community, when the subject is the RKBA, there's a LOT of overt and covert discrimination against those who dare to break out of the groupthink boxes constructed by many of those who are allegedly tolerant and "open minded".

I think Kendall became "woke" to the matter also, in part because of his personal experiences on multiple occasions, and partly because of racist opinions like those expressed by some OSU professors in the wake of my December 2016 Walk there.

He ultimately decided to do something about it - co-planning and advertising the event, and even powering through being called an "Uncle Tom" (etc.) by members of a black gun group!

Yesterday's golden achievement was the culmination of his, Princess' and Dominic's efforts.

Here is a link to the 2016 Walk @ OSU and the letter from the professors which was partially responsible for Kendall's decision to do his own mono-color event:

2015 Walk: https://www.facebook.com/events/1247404035357994/

Letter: http://thelantern.com/2016/12/open-letter-to-president-drake-and-ohio-state-administration/
So, I presume you were one of the two pot belly old white guys wandering around at this walk.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
The event was attended by eight participants, and many more than 10 students took part in conversation with the armed (seven of the eight) participants.

While it seems you acknowledge the reason for the event, one can't blame the organizers for an individual's failure to look beyond the "color" part of the event, by, for example, failing to read the article.

The anti-gun professors made the same "connection" by making a false assumption because the prior OSU Walk was composed of all white participants.

The purpose of the event included responding to the professors' letter, but was not limited to that - the purpose was also to promote campus carry and to engage in dialogue about gun rights and privileges.

Sorry BB62, you truly believe I failed to read the which following, quote: Another point that Arroyo and his group were trying to make is that second-amendment protections applies to Americans of all races. Everyone who carried a firearm during today’s open-carry walk was black. unquote.

The Lantern’s reporting seems to present an entirely different picture since a third of their article is about the ‘we want to refute a 2 year olde ethnic slight.

So you and others heard, ‘...since ‘16...ethnic slander about your walks, so, did you and the others who were irritated post any rebuttals or replies to those publications refuting their commentary?

Sorry, but as I stated, ‘I am personally afraid the gesture just further alienates...’

For example, If someone wished to make a point of about a 2 year olde OSU group of professor’s espousing ethnically motivated biased and idiotic commentary in the school paper, I would be sure there was at least a couple of other ethnicities to show to those same group of educators that everyone carries firearms, period!

If the the main point was to promote campus carry, then this should be the focus, the only FOCUS across the board, this is the only mantra to reporters and attendees. By introducing another highly charged cause, you signicantly dimished all purported goals as shown in the Lantern.

Do not be upset at my posted interpretation of the Latern’s rhetorical comments about the walk presented by the organizer, but if this was an my unbiased observation, imagine what the ‘common’ biased reader’s impression(s) are is going to be.


gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
The event was attended by eight participants, and many more than 10 students took part in conversation with the armed (seven of the eight) participants.

While it seems you acknowledge the reason for the event, one can't blame the organizers for an individual's failure to look beyond the "color" part of the event, by, for example, failing to read the article.

The anti-gun professors made the same "connection" by making a false assumption because the prior OSU Walk was composed of all white participants.

The purpose of the event included responding to the professors' letter, but was not limited to that - the purpose was also to promote campus carry and to engage in dialogue about gun rights and privileges.

Great event. Glad to see more of it. Hope I can attend one soon.

The claims that these events, all pro-2A events and the right itself are discriminatory is untrue, but our own community can do a better job of welcoming new and until now unwelcomed new recruits. From the article posted: Another point that Arroyo and his group were trying to make is that second-amendment protections applies to Americans of all races. Everyone who carried a firearm during today’s open-carry walk was black.

We need to be more outspoken about this. You can read a lot about "patriotism", "freedom" and "liberty" on this board but you can also read smears of different races and sexual persuasions here and on other internet gun forums. If you believe in 2A, you must believe it is for everybody. If it is a right, it is a right for all of us. There are no whites only "rights". There are no hetero only "rights". There are no men only "rights". A bigot is a bigot. It doesn't matter what they are bigotted about; race, sexual preference or guns. Its all the same; hatred and distrust.