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Open Carry Event in Washington DC January 17, 2021?


Regular Member
Jan 10, 2007
ShaunKranish from ICarry.org, ,
A highly-suspect image appeared promoting an "armed march" on the capital. This image appears very poorly done and not by someone of the individual human rights persuasion (more like the communist persuasion). https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/13704575/trump-supporters-planned-protest-washington-armed/

But...it did get me thinking, so I wrote the following and posed this idea:


Should Americans peacefully rally exercising the 2nd Amendment in Washington, D.C. on January 17, 2021?

For decades the 2nd Amendment has been under constant, relentless attack in States and also primarily at the federal level. This is despite the fact that the US Constitution delegates no power to congress to manage firearms in the States and despite the fact that the 2nd Amendment actually prohibits congress and even the states from doing so.

“Right to carry” laws have swept the nation, after much hard work by hundreds of groups and millions of Americans. First it was “shall issue” right-to-carry, but now “Constitution carry” laws are sweeping the nation. Yet politicians in Washington, D.C. still talk about federal gun control and act as if they have authority to pass laws despite the 2nd and 10th Amendments which are clear in black-and-white.

The Supreme Court has also ruled in the Heller and McDonald cases that individual Americans have the right to keep and bear arms. But Americans have already known this. That is why they belong to the NRA, Gun Owners of America, National Association for Gun Rights, 2nd Amendment Foundation, and endless other organizations and groups.

“Open carry” events has become a popular way to exercise one’s right to carry in order to preserve it, by raising awareness of the human right to own and carry weapons for personal and community/national defense. Open carry events have always been peaceful. ICarry.org used to organize and participate in open carry events that also benefit a charitable cause. They were positive, fun, family-friendly events of fellowship and community benefit, such as food drives for the needy and litter pickups.

Recent renewed calls from politicians in Washington, D.C. – a city which stands in violation of the 2nd Amendment by unconstitutionally infringing upon the right to bear arms – to enact new unconstitutional infringements on the ownership of guns has spurred renewed resolve to end the attacks on the 2nd Amendment.

Should Americans peacefully and solemnly gather in the country’s capital on January 17, 2021 safely and openly exercising their right to bear arms? Do Americans keep fighting the never-ending attempts by certain politicians to incrementally disregard and defeat the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution? With domestic and foreign threats present now as much as ever, the 2nd Amendment is as relevant as ever.

Should Americans from across the country who believe in freedom, limited government, and the individual protections of the Constitution gather together safely carrying holstered and slung or otherwise secured firearms? Could the exercise of the right preserve and restore the right? Could this save our children from the danger of further violations of these rights?

On January 17, 2021 Americans could certainly do this. In keeping with the tradition of proactively helping a charitable cause, Americans could also on this day donate en masse to children’s cancer research in the name of freedom, personal responsibility, and the right to keep and bear arms. An armed society is a safe and polite society, and all open carry events like this have been peaceful and safe, free from damage to property or injury to life.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Well sak, visiting your super duper new site raised a question...

sak, you have put in delimiters for black & blue states, yet no descriptors for the "red" states...which signify what??

and confused over your use of citizens should/could as well as your statement:
'ICarry.org used to organize and participate in open carry events...' yet there isn't type of historical reference to your boast~why?

just an observation since your posted statement is quite...


Regular Member
Jan 10, 2007
ShaunKranish from ICarry.org, ,
Red states are states without any form of constitution carry.

The old ICarry.org site ran on php-nuke and ran into malware problems many years ago. I finally set it aside a threw a Wordpress site up to do something with gun rights after being frustrated by the direction of media/etc in this country.

For historical reference - click Gallery at the top. Look at all of the pictures. That's not even all of them either :)


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Sigh, doubt it...

janet's mantra comes to mind..."what have ya done for me lately?"

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
What is the definition of "constitutional carry"? It is not what the term implies. Generally, all it is, is the state not charging a fee for the privilege to carry concealed. The state restrictions on conceal carry still exist and punishment for violating those restrictions still apply. It is a misnomer. It is a fraud.

The posters link to the "The Sun" article contains a poster stating "Come armed at your own personal discretion."
I think the word discretion is misleading. I believe the word should be "detriment." Just sayin.


Regular Member
Jan 10, 2007
ShaunKranish from ICarry.org, ,
I hardly think much could be done at all if hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands or more showed up bearing arms. Even small numbers of armed people exercising their right to bear arms creates a very large problem for courts who would of course rather play politics instead of applying the law. It's pretty easy to stomp on a single individual, but armed individuals in groups are harder to run through the courts. Also, I have found that law enforcement have more respect and hands-off approach when people are bearing arms in numbers. We saw this in Wisconsin. They would pick people up open carrying on their own. But 5-6 in a group and they didn't want to mess with them. The open carry events led to Wisconsin getting concealed carry fairly quickly. Illinois took a little bit longer, but the events were very large and encouraging.

Anti-gun politicians hate nothing more than open carry.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
I hardly think much could be done at all if hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands or more showed up bearing arms.

hummm, as they say - a picture is worth a thousand words, so allow me to show the foto of preemptive response to BLM gathering at DC mid last year...


ya SAK, this is and example of "hardly think much could be done..." type of event!

point in history...didn't work so well with students carry rocks and went against Ohio's NG now did it?


Regular Member
Jan 10, 2007
ShaunKranish from ICarry.org, ,
Well the challenge I see is leadership and keeping everyone on the non-violent, non-destructive, non-breaching mode of protest. The crowd would need to police itself to avoid clashing with any law enforcement. But, I stand by my words that law enforcement does not want to mess with armed, peaceful people. They are, after all, supposed to be subordinate to the civil power...at all times. But especially as long as the people are peaceful and orderly, then they certainly should do nothing.

Would it be a risk? Of course. But is anything free or worthwhile without risk? Low-hanging fruit can be nice, but it might never fill one up. I'd like my children to not have to fight constantly for the 2nd Amendment like we have had to.


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2017
Planet Earth
Thanks to the debaucle in D.C. the other day, it strikes me as being unwise to try something like this now. It just gives the "trilogy of horror" more fuel for their depredations. D.C. is not only rabidly anti-gun, they are also anti-carry of any type. Like Illinois, they have been forced to allow a meager few CC and keep them in their homes, but they still try to make things as difficult as they can.


Regular Member
Oct 11, 2008
Thanks to the debaucle in D.C. the other day, it strikes me as being unwise to try something like this now. It just gives the "trilogy of horror" more fuel for their depredations. D.C. is not only rabidly anti-gun, they are also anti-carry of any type. Like Illinois, they have been forced to allow a meager few CC and keep them in their homes, but they still try to make things as difficult as they can.

Even more reason to rise up?


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Seems there are some august forum members at WAGuns advocating,
snozzberries 12 jan 2021 quote:
"if you are talking about the below rally, you should know it's fake. It's not real. It's a setup. It's a trap. Don't go there. It's not organized by Trump supports, it's organized by Antifa and BLM.

Antifa and BLM will probably set of some firecrackers, or rush the police, to try to get people shot, pretend that we conservatives are all violent crazy people. False flag. We all already know the violent left, Antifa and BLM, love fighting the police and throwing molotov cocktails at them. They need to establish the perception we are violent.

We all know there weren't "peaceful protests" all summer, but Burning, Looting, and Murdering. The Washington DC peaceful protest helped them try to turn the tide of the views of people. But they need more. Hence the below setup."



Regular Member
Jan 10, 2007
ShaunKranish from ICarry.org, ,
Yes, I agree we live in a world where unscrupulous, disingenuous, and deceitful humans will try to thwart the intentions of those of us who would promote individual freedom and liberty. However, if we use that as an excuse to exercise our rights...we are doomed. A right unexercised is a right forfeit. Going into "hiding" so to speak, and continuing the old methods of lobbying and calling/writing, and relying upon the whims of the courts...will only slow down the loss of this war on gun ownership and rights. I applaud those who work hard and sacrifice for all of us doing these things - they are important. But these methods alone will not secure our freedom.

"Constitution carry" will help secure this freedom, but it is also moving slower than desirable. And it is limited to pistols only. We are about to face new major efforts to restrict ownership of rifles.

"Owning the streets" for the enemies of freedom and agents of unbridled chaos has been effective as of late. We saw recently that patriots are also willing to take to the streets. I actually see that as a very good sign. Better yet, with sooooo many people there was relatively little damage done and few were hurt/perished. That is encouraging. Obviously we would all like to see this be zero for both property damage and injury/death.

We are going to need open carry events this year, and will need to police our own and also be on the lookout and be willing to stop any potential agitators. Perhaps some less-than-lethal armament carried by some would be helpful. There seem to be a lot of useful rounds in 12 gauge available on the market. Power in numbers. We can't just stand around at home and blabbing on the Internet though. Showing people that owning and carrying guns is safe and useful...this is what we need to evangelize in my opinion.

It worked wonders in Wisconsin and Illinois as well. Check out those pictures. Peaceful, charitable, wholesome open carry events are the worst nightmare of tyrants and other miscreants. Along with the other fronts already being fought - this is the way to win the war for the 2nd Amendment.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Yes, I agree we live in a world where unscrupulous, disingenuous, and deceitful humans will try to thwart the intentions of those of us who would promote individual freedom and liberty. However, if we use that as an excuse to exercise our rights...we are doomed. A right unexercised is a right forfeit. Going into "hiding" so to speak, and continuing the old methods of lobbying and calling/writing, and relying upon the whims of the courts...will only slow down the loss of this war on gun ownership and rights. I applaud those who work hard and sacrifice for all of us doing these things - they are important. But these methods alone will not secure our freedom.

"Constitution carry" will help secure this freedom, but it is also moving slower than desirable. And it is limited to pistols only. We are about to face new major efforts to restrict ownership of rifles.

"Owning the streets" for the enemies of freedom and agents of unbridled chaos has been effective as of late. We saw recently that patriots are also willing to take to the streets. I actually see that as a very good sign. Better yet, with sooooo many people there was relatively little damage done and few were hurt/perished. That is encouraging. Obviously we would all like to see this be zero for both property damage and injury/death.

We are going to need open carry events this year, and will need to police our own and also be on the lookout and be willing to stop any potential agitators. Perhaps some less-than-lethal armament carried by some would be helpful. There seem to be a lot of useful rounds in 12 gauge available on the market. Power in numbers. We can't just stand around at home and blabbing on the Internet though. Showing people that owning and carrying guns is safe and useful...this is what we need to evangelize in my opinion.

It worked wonders in Wisconsin and Illinois as well. Check out those pictures. Peaceful, charitable, wholesome open carry events are the worst nightmare of tyrants and other miscreants. Along with the other fronts already being fought - this is the way to win the war for the 2nd Amendment.
I don't generally disagree with some of your beliefs, but executing some of those beliefs are wishful thinking. I've been involved in setting-up and carrying out many open carry walks. The pre-planning is 99% of the event. This planning involves great coordination with the police to identify subversives and immediately remove those agitators. This includes the participants identifying those troublemakers. I guarantee you whoever is setting up these events have not done any of this pre-planning.

And "constitutional carry" will NOT secure any freedoms. As I pointed out, it's a fraud.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Yes, I agree we live in a world where unscrupulous, disingenuous, and deceitful humans will try to thwart the intentions of those of us who would promote individual freedom and liberty.


whom defines the standard & articulates who is "unscrupulous, disingenuous, and deceitful" and who's "freedom and liberty" are you truly concerned with?


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc

"Constitution carry" will help secure this freedom, but it is also moving slower than desirable. And it is limited to pistols only. We are about to face new major efforts to restrict ownership of rifles.


first and foremost, discussion of LG is against this forum's guidelines.

now please allow me to reiterate what has been discussed and beat to death previously on this site...but first there must be an agreement of terms bay ALL concerned to effect change across this great nation!

therefore, what does the term "constitutional carry" mean? [i do not give a rat's derriere on the mythical origin of the term!]

we could use Wiki's definition: "In the United States, the term constitutional carry, also called permitless carry, unrestricted carry, or Vermont carry, refers to the legal carrying of a handgun, either openly or concealed, without a license or permit."

we could use USCCA: Unrestricted means that a permit is not required to carry a concealed handgun. It is also known as Constitutional Carry or permitless carry." https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/re...ry-licensurepermitting-policies/unrestricted/
Personal Defense Network: “Constitutional carry” is used within the gun community to mean no permit is required to legally carry a concealed firearm inside a given state..." https://www.personaldefensenetwork.com/video/constitutional-carry-013522/#

by now SAK, et al., you have gotten the picture...nobody can agree on the term's usage.

so now how can 'WE' push something when we can't agree on the concept amongst our firearm owning citizens?

I have not gotten into the perception as the infamous John Lott has advocated since the mid/late'90s he sincerely believes this nation's citizens should be trained to used their registered firearms. This august member sincerely hopes you are not advocating citizen's mandatory 'registration' of their firearms?

Oh and speaking of training as I was...who's training standard would you propose ~ the local city/county community? the state? a new training pgm proposed by the Feds?

so SAK when you bemoan a lack of progression...it is solely on the fault of those who wish such an ability!


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc

We are going to need open carry events this year, and will need to police our own and also be on the lookout and be willing to stop any potential agitators. Perhaps some less-than-lethal armament carried by some would be helpful. There seem to be a lot of useful rounds in 12 gauge available on the market. Power in numbers. We can't just stand around at home and blabbing on the Internet though. Showing people that owning and carrying guns is safe and useful...this is what we need to evangelize in my opinion.


alas SAK, discussion of LGs is against this forum's protocols.

So SAK last time you promoted an open carry event if i might inquire let alone attended?

second...whom are you going to capitulate your behaviour at an open carry event?

third...not within my purview to stop "potential agitators" as the concept goes against the concept of defensive carry and in some states you may not use deadly force against someone you 'agitated' in the first place!

finally sorry while i personally know a few of the august forum members and have actively participated in their carry events, there is no way i would even think about interceding if they became 'agitated' at a passerby.

your own site is a "has been/wanta be" with fotos from years past...it is worse than a state site i am aware of...

your own attendance on this site, joining in 2008 after your fiasco on campus & then brown issues, then disappear in 2010 to briefly resurface in 2012 not returning until 2019 and you now are on the internet pushing yet not setting up anything?

bottom line...Proselytizing your opinion w/o any viable plan reminds me of the late great grapeshot..."set it up and they will come!"