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First let me say that we're almost neighbors, so I would be very interested in hearing about your experiences. I spend a lot of time in Lawrence, and would love to hear about locations that seem for or against. However, I am most concerned with how LE reacts. Local business doesn't worry me too much. Overreaction by LE, does.
CCW can be a real pain, but at least at this point I'm relatively comfortable about how to do that legally and not expect negative ramifications.
I believe that the more people become accustomed to firearms being carried responsibly in thegeneral publicand seeing that the world does not come to and end, the better off we will all be.
However, I recognize that society is not what I would like it to be. I am personally not prepared at the moment to deal with the potential ramifications of being in the right, and yet still being hassled, potentially seriously. All you have to do is read the story of Dan Sayers in Oregon OH to know that just being right or legal won't protect you from the current state of fear or ignorance that many people live in.
I admire your conviction and ability to lead the pack here, but would love to ride your coat tails and help advance the cause. Not exactly the bravest stance I've ever taken, but again, I have to recognize that my actions and their potential effects could also signifcantly affect my family, etc.
Good luck.