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Open carry question


Regular Member
Jan 20, 2011
Vista, CA.
Now being new to Ca. and this web site don't make fun of my gun. But I have a question about OC. Sig 22 ( yea it a plinker ) holster WITH mag combo. This is where the mag and holster is one unit. Is this a legal OC unit. The reason I ask is this considered "Attached" to the gun? As one guy was talking about a butt mag attached to a shotgun with shells in it is considered " a loaded weapon"...This unit is sold by Sig and can be seen at the web site....


Regular Member
Nov 29, 2007
Rosamond, California, USA
People v. Clark ruled that for a firearm to be considered loaded a round must be in a position from which it can be fired. This basically has been determined to mean that if through mechanical manipulation of the firearm a round can be put into the chamber, then a firearm is loaded.

A full magazine "attached" to a firearm in any way other than inserted into the mag well, it perfectly legal.