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Opencarry site was shown in a news story about a boycott by gun rights advocates


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2009
Ohio, USA
At the one min mark you can clearly see the site and they say Open carry . org.

Mike Lowe FOX6 Reporter
5:26 p.m. CDT, June 24, 2011
Bret Eulberg is the owner of Robert Haack Diamonds at 76th and Layton in Greenfield. He made a choice to say he would prohibit concealed weapons in his store. But now, he's receiving angry phone calls and messages threatening a boycott.

"We're getting phone calls saying we're not going to come to your store supporting you because you're against gun rights. We're not against gun rights, my contention is if a bad guy's in my store and you're a good samaritan in my store and you see the bad guy whipping out the gun, we already have security procedures in place to protect ourselves," said Eulberg Friday.

Eulberg says it's a practical, not a political stance that he's taking. He says he simply does not want firearms inside of a jewelry store where customers can negotiate prices.
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Regular Member
Sep 2, 2009
Chesterfield County , USA
my contention is if a bad guy's in my store and you're a good samaritan in my store and you see the bad guy whipping out the gun, we already have security procedures in place to protect ourselves

He might as well forget his security procedures. Simply having a no guns policy will no doubt cause the bad guy to go elsewhere. (eye roll)

What a stupid argument. He has security procedures to protect himself, but not his customers. He obviously fails to see why someone would carry a defensive weapon. I carry for the defense of myself and my family... The owner of a jewelry store is on his own.

Eulberg says it's a practical, not a political stance that he's taking. He says he simply does not want firearms inside of a jewelry store where customers can negotiate prices.

Then he shouldn't have a problem with those that carry guns for practical purposes taking there business elsewhere.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
"We're getting phone calls saying we're not going to come to your store supporting you because you're against gun rights. We're not against gun rights, my contention is if a bad guy's in my store and you're a good samaritan in my store and you see the bad guy whipping out the gun, we already have security procedures in place to protect ourselves," said Eulberg Friday.

Eulberg's "security procedures" protect himself by refusing to allow any of the patrons to protect themselves. And he wonders why he's being boycotted? :banghead:

Eulberg says it's a practical, not a political stance that he's taking.

The most practical measure of security is to open the doors to any and all law-abiding citizens who wish to exercise their 2A rights. Done right, the criminals will simply be outnumbered.

He says he simply does not want firearms inside of a jewelry store where customers can negotiate prices.

I say I simply do not want to do business inside a jewelry store where criminals will carry while we honest, law-abiding customers cannot.

I support the boycott! Staying out of the store is the best long-term security procedure for that city block. It's a practical means of pulling the economic rug out from under store-owners who refuse to respect our nation's Constitution. :monkey
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Dutch Uncle

Campaign Veteran
May 11, 2006
Virginia, USA
He doesn't want firearms inside a jewelry store where customers can negotiate prices??? What kind of pinhead actually says such things in public? For heaven's sake, I can only assume he has those ol' wild west, OK corral, blood in the streets mentality so his fantasies include customers who would say "C'mon, Eulberg, I'm callin' you out! No way I'm payin' them overinflated suckerbait prices! Let's settle this like men. Git yore .45 an' meet me on th' street!"

It really is astounding to see what primitive fears these "no guns" policies derive from. Maybe we should ask Massad Ayoob write him a note. His Dad was a jeweller who was sick of getting robbed so he decided to arm himself, and his son as well.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
A boycott is a choice not a threat. He has a choice, so do patrons, he needs to get over his control issues. Considering that we are a small segment of society I believe he is making a political statement. A choice by us to "boycott" should not affect his bottom line that much. Besides concealed carry customers are just that, he wouldn't or shouldn't even know who is packing. Now that the BG's know that customers are unarmed and he is a liberal, hopefully he does not get a lesson from the school of hard knocks.


New member
May 12, 2006
Burton, Michigan
Mr Eulberg and his customers would probably be safer by publicly announcing combinations to safes rather than publicly announcing his position and signage of prohibited firearms/weapons. Good luck with that. *Shrugs*


Regular Member
Dec 18, 2008
I'm not boycotting anyone. He's boycotting me! He decided I and anyone else who chooses to carry we are not welcome. We respect that and will not do business with him. It's his choice. He chose to discriminate against us, so he will lose businesses. I've told him before that Starbucks has seen a huge increase in sales since they told the anti-fights people to fornicate themselves. He dismissed it and said, "Good for them they are doing well." You can view this thread as well as his facebook page.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
If his customers can negotiate prices, he's overpricing things. Who'd want to do business in a place like that anyway?


Regular Member
Dec 18, 2008
If his customers can negotiate prices, he's overpricing things. Who'd want to do business in a place like that anyway?

A friend of mine who's parents run a jewelry store say most jewelers increase their prices by 400%.