Man, I hope she wins another lawsuit against Milwaukee. Hopefully she can win enough to move to VA where she wouldn't have to worry about all this stupid crap. Best of luck to MKEgal!
Was the weapon holstered on her hip or placed on the dash board in plain sight ?
She would not have to move that far to get away from the Ignorant MPD just about 2 hours north Green Bay PD have better things to do than harass Legal Open carriers.
Was the weapon holstered on her hip or placed on the dash board in plain sight ?
Still can't beat VA.
My understanding from the numerous threads is that the gun was holstered on her hip but that she was carrying openly.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.Members of WCI, and OCDO all to often are their own enemies.
How can they publish all that private health information without it being a HIPAA violation??
Police seek charges against gun carrier with permit pending- that's mighty white of them. malicious prosecution. Nice article link exposing her entire private life, and smearing it all the way. bastards.
That article is libelous. MKEgal should file suit.
On her hip in plain sight.
Fixed it.
We will see...